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老人多锻练 疾病离得远
http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 最新研究指出:规律性锻练身体可增加老年人的免疫系统功能,从而增强他们抵抗感染的能力。相比之下,光进食富含维生素的食物并无此作用。研究还证实,规律性锻练不仅增强了免疫系统功能,而且还强壮了肌肉。荷兰Wageningen 大学的马里季凯· J · M Chin A Paw博士及其同事在12月份出版的《运动和锻练中的医学和科学》报导了上述研究结果。

    随着年龄的增加,免疫系统功能渐趋降低,使年长者容易发生感染。而由于感染性疾病更易于导致老年人体力衰竭甚至有危及生命,因此令年老者保持良好免疫系统功能是特别重要的。缺乏锻练或营养缺乏是导致免疫力下降的原因之一,Chin A Paw的研究小组对规律性锻炼或每天食用高营养食物是否会对虚弱及老年者的免疫系统产生影响进行了十七周的追踪调查研究。

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    Exercise May Strengthen Immunity in Older Folks

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- Regular exercise may help elderly people fight off infection by boosting their immune systems, new research suggests.

    The findings add to evidence showing that regular activity strengthens immunity as well as muscles. But the news is not as good regarding vitamin-enriched foods. A study of 112 elderly men and women showed that while exercise boosted immunity, a menu of enriched foods did not.
, 百拇医药
    Dr. Marijke J. M. Chin A Paw and colleagues at Wageningen University in the Netherlands report the findings in the December issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

    Immune system activity tends to wane with age, making the elderly vulnerable to infection. And since infectious diseases are more likely to be debilitating or fatal in older people, it is particularly important to keep the aging immune system strong.

    Because part of this decline in immunity may be due to lack of exercise or nutritional deficiencies, Chin A Paw‘s team looked at whether 17 weeks of regular exercise or a daily dose of nutrient-fortified foods would affect the immune systems of the frail and elderly study participants.
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    The men and women were divided into four groups: one that followed a supervised exercise plan twice a week; one that ate enriched fruit and dairy products each day; one that followed both the exercise and diet plans; and one that followed neither plan.

    Through skin tests that measured immune responses to certain pathogens, the investigators found that the exercisers had stronger responses compared with the other groups. Blood vitamin concentrations rose in the enriched food group, but the foods did not appear to boost the immune system.
, 百拇医药
    Few studies have looked at whether exercise bolsters immunity in the elderly, and some of that research suggests it does not, according to the authors. This study, the researchers note, focused on the frail elderly.

    ``Exercise may be specifically beneficial in frail, inactive elderly persons,‘‘ Chin A Paw and colleagues theorize.

    As for enriched foods, some studies have suggested they aid immunity in the elderly, but in heavier amounts and over a longer period than used in this study, the report indicates.

    SOURCE: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2000;2005-2011., http://www.100md.com