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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网


    据《隐形眼镜系列》杂志,美国约有3,300万人戴隐形眼镜,大约占美国人口的12%。近些年来,一些公司将市场定位在青年人身上,不仅更换镜片的颜色,并且还能把小孩的眼睛变成“猫”眼,“爬行动物”眼甚至“神蛇”眼。但这随之而来的问题是中学生之间互换戴隐形眼镜的情况增加,这就意味着他们同时也在互相交换可以引起严重感染如结膜炎的细菌和病毒,更严重地还会引起眼睛永久性地损害甚至失明。佛罗里达州的验光师杰克· J 耶格博士说,一个人的眼睛感染时,其他所有人都将被感染,眼睛感染可以通过教室迅速传播。
, 百拇医药

    Eyes on the Wild Side

    Changing your eye color these days can be as easy as popping in a blue, green or even a red-and-black-spiraled contact lens.

    That alone doesn‘t seem to worry eye doctors. Tinted lenses -- even dramatically colored ones -- generally are safe for short-term use, experts say.
, 百拇医药
    But two potentially dangerous trends related to these lenses have eye experts on edge: teenagers sharing contacts -- and germs -- with their friends, and adults buying contacts on the Internet without a prescription.

    "Buying contact lenses is not like buying Nike sneakers," says Dr. Michael Spinell, an associate professor of optometry at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. "They better fit you, and you better go out to get checkups to make sure they fit or you can have problems."
, 百拇医药
    About 33 million Americans, roughly 12 percent of the population, wear contact lenses, according to the Contact Lens Spectrum, a trade publication. In recent years, several companies have marketed contacts to youths that not only can change the wearer‘s eye color but can turn kids‘ eyes into "cat" eyes, "reptile" eyes or even "zombie" eyes.

    The problem, eye experts say, is that increasing numbers of middle school and high school students are swapping contacts. That means they‘re also swapping bacteria that can result in nasty infections like conjunctivitis or viruses that, in the worst cases, can cause permanent eye damage or even blindness.
, 百拇医药
    "When one person gets an eye infection, all of them will get it," says Dr. Jack J. Yager, a Florida optometrist. "Eye infections can spread like wildfire through a school room."

    In the United States, all contact lenses -- even those with no vision-enhancing powers that are worn solely for cosmetic reasons -- are considered medical devices. As such, they‘re regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA)., 百拇医药

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