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《威廉姆斯产科学》(Williams Obstetrics, 23rd Edition) 23
http://www.100md.com 2014年9月5日
《威廉姆斯产科学》(Williams Obstetrics, 23rd Edition) 23


    中文名: 威廉姆斯产科学

    英文名: Williams Obstetrics, 23rd Edition

    文字语言: 英文

    地区: 美国

    对白语言: 英语

    发行日期: 2009年10月29日

    版本: 23

    资源大小: 74.55 MB

    类别: 教育-医学

    威廉姆斯产科学: 简介

    威廉姆斯产科学: Williams made science major obstetric reference for more than a century, now in full color and more emphasis on evidence-based practice.

    Williams made science by a team of experts from world famous authors parkland hospital, this strict reference, landmark resource will tell you all you need to know about the unity of the obstetric practice, no other text consistent tone.

    "Williams obstetrics" for decades, doctors practitioners and residents praised the thoroughness of this book, scientific orientation, in the bed and practicality. Williams obstetrics was reinforced in emphasis on evidence-based medicine in time, support advanced ultrasound images and the original illustrations.

    The "obstetrics Williams" full coverage of starts with a sharp look at mother's anatomy and physiology, and fetal growth and development.

    Williams made science text and development to the front of the delivery time, labor and delivery, fetal and neonatal, peurperium period, obstetric complications and medical and surgical complications.






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