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英语中的“头部五官” 安徽省滁州卫生学校张光成
http://www.100md.com 2004年3月25日 《现代护理报》 2004.03.25

    1.head:(头)aclear head.清醒的头脑。hot head.急性的人。a wooden head.笨蛋。head and shoulders above....远远强于……。如head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical capability.在分析能力上她远远强于同事。keep one's head.保持镇静,保持克制。而Don't lose your head.别惊慌失措。off one's head or out of one's head.疯狂的。Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse.谚语:宁为鸡口,莫为牛后。two heads are better than one.谚语:集思广益。

    2.eye:(眼睛)an eye for an eye.以眼还眼。eye to eye.见解一致。如we're eye to eye on all the vital issues.对于重大问题,我们的观点

    一致。in a pig's eye.永不,决不。如in apig's eye will I ever do that.我决不会做那事。in the eyes of the law.依据法律。keep one's eyes open.(常与for连用)时刻提防。make sheep's eyes at.向某人送秋波。

    3.nose:(鼻子)a vegetable nose.蒜头鼻子。Roman nose.鹰钩鼻子。lead some body by the nose.牵着某人鼻子走。turn up one's nose at.嗤之以鼻。make along nose at somebody.轻蔑,嘲弄。not to be able to see beyond one's nose.鼠目寸光。powder one's nose.(妇女上厕所的委婉语)去化妆室。

    4.mouth:(口,嘴)a useless mouth.饭桶。a big mouth.爱吹牛说大话的人。None of your mouth!住嘴。A close mouth catches no flies.祸从口入。have a foul mouth.嘴坏。keep one's mouth shut.守口如瓶。make a poor mouth.诉苦。make one's mouth water.令人垂涎。

    5.tongue:(舌)mother tongue.母语,本国语。hold your tongue!住嘴!A honey tongue,a heart of gall.口服蜜剑。a long tongue.长舌,饶舌。a rough tongue.粗鲁话。a sharp tongue.言语尖刻。as mooth tongue.油腔滑调。A still tongue makes a wise head.谚语:智者寡言。an oily tongue.甜言蜜语,阿谀奉承。The tongue of idle persons is never idle.谚语:人懒嘴不懒。, http://www.100md.com