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http://www.100md.com 1997年7月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1997年第7期
     1解放军148医院 山东省淄博市 255300

    2第二军医大学长海医院消化科 200433

    刘海军,男,1953-06-16生,山东省潍坊市人,汉族. 1976年山东医学院毕业,副院长,副主任医师,自1990年起任消化内科主任,1995年第二军医大学全军人才基金班毕业,从事消化系疾病和内镜诊治研究,发表论文32篇,译文60篇,参与编著专著3部,获军队科技进步3等奖和医疗成果3等奖各1项.

    项目负责人 刘海军,山东省淄博市周村区站北路28号.

    Tel: 0533-6187250(办),6186849(宅)收搞日期 1996-08-22 接受日期 1996-09-08

    Defensive effect of glycoprotein and phospholipids in gastric mucosa in rats

Hai-Jun Liu, Guo-Ming Xu and Zhao-Shen Li

    Department of Internal Medicine, Chinese PLA 148 Hospital, Zibo 255300, Shandong Province, China


To study the defensive effect of glycoprotein and phosph olipids in gastric mucosa in rats.

    METHODS Thirty-six rats were divided into 5 groups. Group I was normal control group; group II injured control by 100% ethanol; group III colloidal bismuth subcitrate (De-Nol) with ethanol; group V sucralfateethanol and group IV ranitidineethanol group. Hexosamine and phospholipids levels in gastric mucosa and gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF), electrical potential difference (PD), surface hydrophobicity of gastric mucosa were measured. ......

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