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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学研究杂志》 2004年第11期
     【摘要】 目的 评价儿童用口腔等级指数促进乡村学生儿童口腔卫生和牙龈健康的可行性。方法 配合简要的口腔卫生宣教,医生和学校教师分别用口腔等级指数检查儿童的口腔卫生和牙龈健康状况,观察受检儿童口腔等级状况的变化。结果 初复查比较,医生和学校教师检查组儿童口腔等级指数分别改善了0.18和0.16,差异有显著性。结论 医生和教师使用口腔等级指数均能在一定程度上改善学生儿童的口腔等级状况。

    Zhong Xiaobo,Jiang Ping,Yi Lan

    Luzhou Medical College,Sichuan646000.

    【Abstract】 Objective To estimate the possibility that Oral Rating Index for Children(ORI-C)could be a method to apply a oral hygiene program used either by dentists or by school teachers for rural elementary school chilˉdren.Methods By the aiding of a simple instruction,dentists or school teachers checked the children’s oral ratings at the first time and one month later,respectively,to estimate the changes of children’s oral ratings.Results The oral ratings of the dentist’s group and the teacher’s group improved to0.18and0.16,respectively.The changes are statisˉtically significant.Conclusion ORI-C could be a method to improve children’s oral rating used either by dentist or by school teachers.

    Key words rural elementary school children oral rating ORI-C

    牙周炎是对口腔健康危害最大的疾病之一,从小养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,维护牙龈健康以预防牙周炎的发生 ......

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