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http://www.100md.com 《中华实用医药杂志》 2005年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨鼻腔多形性腺瘤的病理与临床特点及治疗方法。 方法 6例鼻腔多形性腺瘤术前采取CT影像学检查,确立诊断后经鼻侧切开手术切除3例,常规前鼻孔入路剥离切除1例,鼻内镜下前鼻孔入路手术切除2例,术后病理切片观察并随访治疗效果。 结果 6例手术病人术后病理观察确诊为鼻多形性腺瘤,肿瘤形态与涎腺多形性腺瘤基本一致,但粘液成分多,结构复杂多样,其中1例局部可见粘液表皮样癌结构。所有病例均随访2~7年,5例无复发,1例肿瘤局部有粘液表皮样癌结构的病人复发,再次手术彻底切除病变后随访2年未见复发。 结论 鼻部多形性腺瘤临床较少见,结构复杂容易误诊,尤其有局部恶性变的病例,手术切除不彻底容易复发,治疗的关键是能够彻底切除病变组织,对复发病例要警惕恶变的可能。

    【关键词】 鼻肿瘤 多形性腺瘤 治疗

    Clinicopathologic study of intranasal pleomorphic adenomas

    Wang Huimin,Li Zuguo,Jia Yongjie,et al.

    Chiford Hospital of Otorhinopharyngology and Pathology,Guangzhou510000.

    【Abstract】 Objective To present the clinical presentation,surgical approach,and pathological findings of the pleomorphic adenoma of the nose.Methods The clinical presentation,surgical approach,and pathological find-ings were reviewed.Results 6cases of patients were checked with computed tomography(CT)scan preoperative and the tumors were resected completely by surgical procedures,3cases were performed with lateral rhinotomy,1case were operated through nostril and the other2cases were performed by nose-endoscope.Histological examination con-firmed that morphological feature of the nose pleomorphic adenoma were same as salivary gland tumor.All lesions ex-hibited dense fibrous connective tissue stroma in which sheets and nests of neoplastic epithelium and epithelial lined ductal structures containing eosinophilic coagulum were seen ......

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