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http://www.100md.com 2005年11月28日 《中国医药报》 2005.11.28



    Hello, I''d like to buy some antiphlogistics.


    Do you have doctor''s prescription?


    Yes, here you are.


    So the patient got gynecological inflammation?


    Yes, the doctor said that she got pelvic inflammation.


    These are the two kinds of antiphlogistics.


    How to use them?


    These two kinds of medicines cannot be taken at the same time, and an interval of half an hour should be needed. For “Amoxicillin”,it should be taken three times a day, two capsules every time; for “Fu Yan Kang”,also three times a day, but 6 tablets every time.


    Does this kind of western medicine have much side effect?


    Its side effect is relatively small, but sometimes it can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, thus cannot be taken long-term or with great quantity.


    Thanks for your introduction.


    You''re welcome.


    benproperin苯丙哌林;pentoxyverine喷托维林;dextromethorphan hyd-robromide氢溴酸右美沙芬;carbocisteine羧甲司坦;bromhexine溴已新;ac-etylcysteine乙酰半胱氨酸;guaifenesin愈创甘油醚。

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), 百拇医药(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)