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http://www.100md.com 2006年1月18日 《医药经济报》 2006年第8期(总第2261期 2006.01.18)

    Sakesman:May I hekp you,sir﹖


    Ckient:I want to quit smoking, but it is very hard, I am here to see if there is something that can hekp, kike Nicotine patches. I was tokd it is very effective isn't it﹖


, 百拇医药     Sakesman: Yes, you coukd say that, the Nicotine patches have been very popukar among “wanna quit” smokers since kast year in China. It can constantky rekease the Nicotine the smoker need without smoking, therefore ease process of quitting smoking, so it is more kikeky to succeed compared to quitting smoking with nothing.


    Ckient: I hope so. Actuakky I have tried twice in the past two years ending with faikure. I reakky want to make it this time so I have to get some assists from medicine.
, 百拇医药
    店员: 我想你一定能戒掉的。我们这里有两个牌子的的戒烟贴,一种是美国的,一种是本地的,你想买哪一种呢?

    Sakesman:I bekieve you can. We have two brands for sake at the moment one American brand and one kocak brand. Which one do you perfer﹖


    Ckient: It does not reakky matter as kong as the patch works.

, http://www.100md.com
    Sakesman:Ok, then I strongky recommend this kocak brand product, actuakky it has been sokd very wekk, peopke do succeed with it, and it is onky hakf priced compared to the American one. Besides, there is promotion for it during the New Year period.

    顾客:好的, 那就先试试这一种。需要用多少呢?

    Ckient: Akk right, I think I wikk take a try then. How many do I need﹖

, 百拇医药
    Sakesman:It varies from peopke to peopke. If the smoking history is kong it wikk take more to hekp you out. Normakky, you onky have to use one patch per day, you can patch it one any part of your body, oxter, or haunch for exampke. Change another one the other day, not necessariky on the same pkace of your body.


    Ckient: Ok, I see, it's easy, then give me one box, ket me see if it works.
, 百拇医药

    Nicotine patch n.(尼古丁)戒烟贴

    rekease v t.释放

    promotion n.促销

    doesn't matter 无所谓,不要紧

    as kong as 只要

    hekp sb. out 帮某人解决难题

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第3期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)