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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学研究杂志》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨肿瘤侵犯颈部大血管时对肿瘤和血管的更好的处理方法以及某些特殊问题的处理。方法 回顾性分析46例病人资料,参考已发表的文献,从而得出某些结论。结果 46例病人颈部肿瘤直径为6~12cm,平均8.4cm。对颈部肿瘤或淋巴结转移癌施行根治性颈廓清手术18例,功能性颈廓清手术22例,单纯肿瘤摘除术6例。肿瘤与颈内静脉完全粘连者12例,与颈总动脉或颈内动脉完全粘连者4例,与大血管粘连者均为恶性肿瘤。而巨大的神经鞘膜瘤或结节病等良性病变均为对颈部大血管造成压迫而非粘连。结论 手术前判断颈动脉结扎的预后及术前颈动脉指压训练有着极其重要的指导意义和实际应用价值。

    【关键词】 肿瘤;颈部大血管;现象;分析

    The treatment of neck tumor invading main vessels and analysis of some problems

    MA Li-xue,ZHAO Bo.

    ENT Department,the PLA 313 Hospital,Huludao,Liaoning 125000,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the better treatment method to tumor and main neck vessels when tumor have invaded the neck vessels.Methods Reviewing the reported documents and studying the 46 patients and getting some conclusions.Results The tumor diameter varies from 6cm to 12cm,the average diameter is 8.4cm.The operation involves 18 radical neck dissection,22 functional neck dissection and 6 simple tumor resection.All the tumors sticked to the main vessels are malignant and the enormous nerve sheath tumor is only pressing the main vessels,not sticking to them.Conclusion The evolution to the prognosis of the cervical general artery ligation before the operation is very important and the test of pressuring to the cervical general artery with fingers has practically helpful merit. ......

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