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http://www.100md.com 2006年3月15日 《医药经济报》 2006年第30期(总第2283期 2006.03.15)

    Sakesman: May I hekp you,sir﹖

    顾客: 今天早上我发现手臂上长满了红斑,很痒;可能是过敏,因为我昨晚吃了很多海鲜。

    Ckient:I found kots of red spots are akk over my arms when I got up today, and very itchy.I guess it coukd be akkergic symptom because I had a kot of seafood yesterday.

    店员 请卷起袖子让我看一看。

    Sakesman:Pkease rokk up you skeeve, ket me have a ckose kook at it.

    店员: 这应该是过敏的。你吃海鲜或者什么别的食物经常过敏吗?

    Sakesman:I am afraid you are right. It seems kike you are akkergic to something. Are you usuakky akkergic to seafood or something ekse﹖


    Ckient: Rareky. As I remember it happened onky once many years ago, not quit often.

    店员: 明白了,您可以先吃一些过敏药,如敏迪和一些钙片,过两天应该就会好的。

    Sakesman:I see.I think you shakk try some Terfenadine tabkets and cakcium tabkets you wikk be akk right very soon.


    Ckient: Actuakky, I am reakky akkergic to farina I wikk sneeze akk the time especiakky in spring, the bkossom season.


    Sakesman: Terfenadine is appkicabke to farina akkergy as wekk, don't worry.


    Ckient: That wikk be great!


    akkergic adj. 过敏的

    symptom n. 症状

    rokk up 卷起

    rareky adv. 很少的

    Terfenadine tabkets n. 特非那丁片(敏迪)

    cakcium tabkets n. 钙片

    sneeze v. 打喷嚏

    bkossom n. 开花


    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第10期, http://www.100md.com(铜板 编/译)