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http://www.100md.com 《淮海医药》 2005年第6期
     【摘 要】 目的 探讨成年正畸患者的就诊心态及针对性的心理辅导措施。 方法 将120例成年患者的就诊心态归类为三种类型即合理要求型、焦虑多疑型、要求过高型,并配合针对性的心理辅导进行牙面畸形的正畸治疗。 结果 除2例因工作原因而转院治疗外,其余均取得了满意疗效。 结论 充分了解成年正畸患者的就诊心态,加强对患者在治疗前、治疗中以及保持阶段的心理辅导,可以使得成年患者的正畸治疗能够达到医生与病人、美学与心理学的辩证统一。

    【关键词】 正畸学,矫正;心理学;成年人

    The mentality of adult orthodontic patients and corresponding psychological instructions GU Yong-jia,GAO Mei-qin,YAO Ning.(Nantong Stomatology Hospital,Jiangsu226001,China)

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the adult mentality during orthodontic treatment and corresponding measures of psychologi-cal instructions.Methods The mentalities of120adult orthodontic patients were divided into three types:reasonable demand-ing,anxious and over-suspicious,and over demanding.There were corresponding psychological instructions in the course of or-thodontic treatment of dentofacial malocclusion.Results Satisfactory effect was achieved for all of the patients except two,who were transferred to other hospitals.Conclusion The dialectic unity between doctors and patients ......

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