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http://www.100md.com 《中国学校卫生》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨上海市0~14岁儿童伤害现状及有关预防措施,为开展预防伤害健康教育提供依据。方法 随机分层整群抽取长宁区0~14岁儿童1 375名,采用家长问卷方式调查0~14岁儿童2002年10月至2003年10月伤害发生情况及家长认知水平。结果 伤害总报告率为10.47%,其中0~5岁组儿童伤害报告率最高;伤害中跌倒/坠落伤居首位;儿童家长相关伤害的认知正确回答率在90.6%以上;母亲的职业、文化程度、家庭经济收入对儿童伤害发生有一定影响。结论 0~14岁儿童的伤害率较高,在预防儿童伤害的研究中,儿童本身的特点以及家庭和社会环境对儿童伤害发生的影响不容忽视。

    【关键词】 创伤和损伤;认知;儿童;横断面研究

    Children's Injury and Parental Recognition in Changning District in Shanghai

    XU Miaozhen, XIA Qinghua, TANG Chuanxi, et al.

    Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Changning District, Shanghai(200336), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore children's injury and related preventive measures, and to provide bases for health education of injury prevention. Methods A random cluster sample of 1 375 children aged 0-14 was chosen. The children's injury and parental recognition from October in 2002 to October in 2003 were investigated by a questionnaire. Results The general incidence rate of injury was 10.47% and the highest rate was among the children of 0-5 years old group. Colliding/falling was the leading cause. The correct answer rate of injury was over 90.6% among the children's parents. Maternal occupation, education level and family economics had influences on children's injury. Conclusion Children aged 0-14 are highrisk population in injury. The effects of children's characteristics, family environment and social environment on injury should be considered in the prevention to children's injury. ......

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