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Knoxia Root
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Knoxia Root
Knoxia Root
Knoxia Root

     Purgative Herbs for Drastic Hydragogue

    Knoxia Root


    Radix Knoxiae


    The root of Knoxia corymbosa Willd., a perennial herb, of the family Rubiaceae.

    The plant is grown in the provinces Jiangsu, Sichuan, Jiangxi, etc., in China, and reaped by the end of autumn or at the beginning of spring. The herb is prepared by removing residual stems and fibrous roots from the root, drying it in the sun and using when raw or after preparing it with vinegar.
, http://www.100md.com

    Bitter and pungent in flavor, cold and toxic in nautre, it is related to the lung, kidney and large intestine channels.


    Removes water retention by hydragogue and subdues swelling to resolve masses.


    1. Treats edema, tympanites and fluid retention in the chest and hypochondria:
, 百拇医药
    This herb has a similar hydragogue action to that of kansui (Radix Euphorbia Kansui) and also has the same drastic and violent properties.

    A) Edema and tympanites without any asthenia of the vital-qi:

    Boil the knoxia root together with Chinese dates and eat the dates or use it together with kansui (Radix Euphorbia Kansui) and genkwa flower (Flos Genkwa) in order to strengthen the hydragogue action.
, http://www.100md.com
    B) Dull pain on the ribs and thick and mucous sputum due to retention of phlegm-dampness and excessive fluid in the chest and hypochondria:

    Use kansui (Radix Euphorbia Kansui) and white mustard seed (Semen Sinapis Albae) in order to achieve the effects of removing phlegm and dispelling retained water.

    2. Treats skin and external diseases, scrofula and subcutaneous nodules:

    This herb can be both taken orally and used externally to subdue swelling and resolve masses.
, 百拇医药
    A) Skin and external diseases due to toxic heat:

    The fresh herb can be mashed for external application.

    B) Ulcers on the neck:

    Made into pills together with Chinese angelica, large-head atractylodes rhizome (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) and raw pinellia root for oral administration.

    C) Scrofula and subcutaneous nodules due to stagnation of phlegm-fire:
, http://www.100md.com
    Boil the knoxia root with chicken eggs and eat the eggs.

    Dosage and Administration:

    1.5-3 g.

    Decoct this herb in water for drinking or include it in pills or powder for oral administration. Use an adequate amount externally when raw. It should be prepared with vinegar for oral administration in order to reduce its toxicity.

    Cautions on Use:
, http://www.100md.com
    This herb should be avoided by anyone with bodily weakness or pregnant women.

    It is against licorice.

    Reference Materials:

    'Shen Nong's Herbal Classic' :

    "Tympanites due to parasitic infestation with retention of various fluids, acute pain with abdominal distention and accumulation of pathogenic wind in the spleen and stomach."
, 百拇医药
    'Other Medical Records of Famous Physicians' :

    "Treats ulcers of the neck and armpits and headache."

    "Inducing perspiration and lubricating the large and small intestines."

    'Original Meanings of Materia Medica' :

    "With its drastic and violent properties, this herb is good at dispelling pathogenic water and accumulated phlegm and purging damp-heat and distention."
, http://www.100md.com
    Toxic or Side Effects:

    It should be prepared with vinegar for oral administration in order to reduce its toxicity.

    Modern Researches:

    The herb contains euphorbon, alkaloids, gum, resin, etc.

    The ether and hot water extracts of this herb can stimulate the intestinal tube to induce purgation, stimulate pregnant isolated uterus, dilate capillaries and resist the pressure-raising effect of adrenaline., 百拇医药
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