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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日

    However, I think there might be a downside to having too much desire and pressure to succeed.My students wanted to learn but they also did not want to let down their parents who were spending money on their tuition. So, one of the bad things about this desire to succeed at school and get good grades is that occasionally some students would cheat. This happens in America too. What is ironic and interesting about this is that often this student knew the answer and did not need to cheat, but they were worried and afraid that maybe they would forget something or not get the best grade. They felt too much pressure and felt they could not risk making a mistake.


    I have learned that no place and nothing is perfect - there is no real Shangrila (although there is a place called Shangrila in Yunnan). Every culture is different too. But in most ways, we are all the same. We care about our family and our jobs. We feel pressure and we worry about money and our health. We wake up each morning and have breakfast. We all go shopping (especially girls), we watch TV, we laugh, we cry, we jump for joy.


    Things are changing and developing fast in China. Even since my first time in China in 2001 I can see how the country is changing and the culture is slowly changing too. I can see the future gleaming in the new skyscrapers that line the streets in Beijing as well as in the eyes of the young people I meet. We can learn from each other's cultures - from our similarities and our differences. The young people in China have a bright future and many are working and studying hard to take advantage of the great opportunities that are presented to them. So, I really admire many of the young people I have met in China. I just hope they remember that there are two sides to every story.



    1. First, I would like to say that there are two sides to every story...

    这个句子出现在文章的第二段,其中,“two sides to every story”是一个习语,意思是每个故事都有好的一面,也有不好的一面,讲的人和读的人不同就会有不同的观点和看法。作者在这里是想借此引出对中国的看法,即中国有优点也有缺点。

    2. Although kids will be kids...


    3. ...every class has the shining stars and a few bad apples...

    这个句子出现在文章的第五段,其中,“bad apple”是一个常用俚语,完整的表达形式应该是“one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel”,意思相当于汉语中的“害群之马”,在这里是比喻那些给班级造成不良影响的学生,因此,相对的“shining star”就是比喻那些好学生了。

    4. ...there is no real Shangrila...

    这句话出现在文章倒数第二段。“Shangrila”本意是指世外桃源或理想世界,而在这里是指任何完美的地方或事物,整句话是对前一句“I have learned that no place and nothing is perfect”的补充说明。

    About the Author

    Ralf Vastag,中文名叫王汉森,在德国出生,成长于美国弗吉尼亚州,在IT行业工作数年后创立了自己的顾问公司。他先后去过十几个国家,并于2002年来到中国南京担任英语老师并学了一学期的中文,后来还在南京和北京从事过多项教育与培训工作。目前,他创建了一家从事中外保健产品贸易的公司,时常穿梭于中美两国之间。

    derogatory /di5rC^EtEri]/ adj.贬损的

    malice /5mAlis/ n.恶意

    serenity /si5reniti/ n.祥和;平静

    stunning /5stQniN/ adj.绝美的;极好的

    vista /5vistE/ n.景色;远景

    first hand 直接地;第一手地

    prevalent /5prevElEnt/ adj.普遍的;流行的

    desirable /di5zaiErEbl/ adj.值得做的;悦人心意的

    trait /treit/ n.特性;品质

    courteous /5kE:tjEs/ adj.有礼貌的;谦恭的

    toil /tCil/ v.苦干;辛劳

    refreshing /ri5freFiN/ adj.使人喜欢的;提神的

    tuition /tju:5iFEn/ n.学费

    cheat /tFi:t/ v.作弊;犯规

    jump for joy 欢欣鼓舞

    gleam /^li:m/ v.闪烁;闪光

    take advantage of利用

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