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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学研究杂志》 2006年第11期
     【摘要】 目的 研究使用新斯的明拮抗与不拮抗时对哌库溴铵恢复时间和拔管时间的影响。方法 30例择期手术病人。静注3倍ED95剂量的哌库溴铵,观察哌库溴铵的起效时间、作用时间、恢复指数、最后一次用药至拔管时间、使用拮抗剂至拔管时间。结果 使用拮抗剂后哌库溴铵的拔管时间明显下降。使用拮抗剂至拔管所用时间为(19.7±8.5)min。结论 哌库溴铵使用新斯的明拮抗后恢复较快且完全。

    【关键词】 哌库溴铵; 新斯的明; 恢复时间

    The influence of neostigmine to extubation time of pipecuronium

    WU Jian,ZHANG Xi,ZUO Su-ning.The First People’s Hospital of Shanghai City,Shanghai 200080,China

    【Abstract】 Objective It was studied the influence of the recovery time and extubation time of pipecuronium when antagonized by neostigmine or not.Methods 30 patients underwent selective surgery. They were administrated 3 times ED95 pipecuronium , observed its onset of action, duration of action, recovery index, the time from last administration to extubation and the time from antagonizing to extubation.Results The extubation time of pipecuronium reduced significantly after antagonizing. The time from antagonizing to extubation was 19.7±8.5 minutes.Conclusion After neostigmine antagonizing, the recovery of pipecuronium is fast and complete. ......

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