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Hypertensive Retinopathy
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     Hypertensive retinopathy is a condition characterized by a spectrum of retinal vascular signs in people with elevated blood pressure.1 The detection of hypertensive retinopathy with the use of an ophthalmoscope has long been regarded as part of the standard evaluation of persons with hypertension.2,3,4 This clinical practice is supported by both previous5 and current6 reports of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC), which list retinopathy as one of several markers of target-organ damage in hypertension. On the basis of the JNC criteria, the presence of retinopathy may be an indication for initiating antihypertensive treatment, even in people with stage 1 hypertension (blood pressure, 140 to 159/90 to 99 mm Hg) who have no other evidence of target-organ damage.

    Despite the JNC recommendation, the clinical implications of hypertensive retinopathy are unclear. Many physicians do not regularly perform an ophthalmoscopic examination as part of the care they provide to hypertensive patients, nor do they include retinal findings when making decisions about treatment. Furthermore, there is no clear consensus regarding the classification of hypertensive retinopathy or whether a retinal examination is useful for risk stratification.

    The evidence in support of the JNC guidelines on retinal findings in hypertension is based on earlier studies that may not have direct relevance to current clinical practice.7,8,9,10 These studies have several important limitations. First, because they involved patients who had uncontrolled and untreated hypertension, generalization to contemporary populations of patients with lower blood-pressure levels may be problematic. Second, retinopathy as defined in these studies was based on a direct ophthalmoscopic examination. This technique has been shown to be unreliable, with high rates of interobserver variability (20 to 42 percent) and intraobserver variability (10 to 33 percent) when used in persons with mild hypertension.11,12 Third, although many earlier studies cite increased mortality among persons with hypertensive retinopathy,8,9,10 few studies have demonstrated associations between hypertensive retinopathy and specific cardiovascular outcomes (e.g., incident stroke and coronary heart disease) or have adequately controlled for relevant confounding factors (e.g., hyperlipidemia and cigarette smoking). Thus, whether hypertensive retinopathy predicts the risk of cardiovascular outcomes independently of other risk indicators has not been examined until recently. The purpose of this review is to appraise recent studies (i.e., from 1990 onward) in regard to the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and cardiovascular associations of hypertensive retinopathy and the evidence that supports its use for risk stratification in persons with hypertension.

    Historical Context and Classification

    Hypertensive retinopathy was first described by Marcus Gunn in the 19th century in a series of patients with hypertension and renal disease.7 The retinal signs he observed included generalized and focal arteriolar narrowing, arteriovenous nicking, flame-shaped and blot-shaped retinal hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, and swelling of the optic disk (Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3). In 1939, Keith et al. showed that these signs of retinopathy were predictive of death in patients with hypertension.10 The authors described a widely used classification system that categorized these signs into four groups of increasing severity.

    Figure 1. Examples of Mild Hypertensive Retinopathy.

    Panel A shows arteriovenous nicking (black arrow) and focal narrowing (white arrow). Panel B shows arteriovenous nicking (black arrows) and widening or accentuation ("copper wiring") of the central light reflex of the arterioles (white arrows).

    Figure 2. Examples of Moderate Hypertensive Retinopathy.

    Panel A shows retinal hemorrhages (black arrows) and a cotton-wool spot (white arrow). Panel B shows cotton-wool spots (white arrows) and arteriovenous nicking (black arrows).

    Figure 3. Example of Malignant Hypertensive Retinopathy.

    Multiple cotton-wool spots (white arrows), retinal hemorrhages (black arrows), and swelling of the optic disk are visible.

    However, several reviews of hypertensive retinopathy since 199613,14,15,16 have questioned the usefulness of the classification system by Keith et al. (subsequently modified by Scheie8) and its relevance to current clinical practice. The major criticisms of the original and modified classifications are that they do not enable the clinician to distinguish among low retinopathy grades (e.g., grade 1 signs are not easily distinguished from grade 2 signs) and that the retinopathy grades are not closely correlated with the severity of hypertension.17 Furthermore, a detailed categorization of retinopathy into four grades does not appear to be supported by retinal studies with the use of fluorescein angiography.18


    The retinal circulation undergoes a series of pathophysiological changes in response to elevated blood pressure.19 In the initial, vasoconstrictive stage, there is vasospasm and an increase in retinal arteriolar tone owing to local autoregulatory mechanisms. This stage is seen clinically as a generalized narrowing of the retinal arterioles. Persistently elevated blood pressure leads to intimal thickening, hyperplasia of the media wall, and hyaline degeneration in the subsequent, sclerotic, stage. This stage corresponds to more severe generalized and focal areas of arteriolar narrowing, changes in the arteriolar and venular junctions (i.e., arteriovenous nicking or nipping), and alterations in the arteriolar light reflex (i.e., widening and accentuation of the central light reflex, or "copper wiring").

    This is followed by an exudative stage, in which there is disruption of the blood–retina barrier, necrosis of the smooth muscles and endothelial cells, exudation of blood and lipids, and retinal ischemia. These changes are manifested in the retina as microaneurysms, hemorrhages, hard exudates, and cotton-wool spots. Swelling of the optic disk may occur at this time and usually indicates severely elevated blood pressure (i.e., malignant hypertension). Because better methods for the control of blood pressure are now available in the general population, malignant hypertension is rarely seen. In contrast, other retinal vascular complications of hypertension, such as macroaneurysms and branch-vein occlusions, are not uncommon in patients with chronically elevated blood pressure. The stages of hypertensive retinopathy described here, however, may not be sequential.18,19 For example, signs of retinopathy that reflect the exudative stage, such as retinal hemorrhage or microaneurysm, may be seen in eyes that do not have features of the sclerotic stage (e.g., arteriovenous nicking).19 The exudative signs are nonspecific, since they are seen in diabetes and other conditions.


    Since 1990, there have been seven population-based epidemiologic studies (involving a total of 26,477 participants) of various signs of hypertensive retinopathy.20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 In all seven studies, retinal photographs were used to define specific signs of retinopathy without regard to a predetermined grading system. All of the studies were conducted in the general community and included persons with and those without a history of hypertension.

    In general, these studies show that signs of hypertensive retinopathy can be reliably identified with a standardized examination of photographs of the fundus. Reproducibility was substantial for the grading of retinal hemorrhages and microaneurysms (e.g., =0.80 to 0.99) and fair to moderate for the grading of arteriovenous nicking and focal arteriolar narrowing (=0.40 to 0.79).25,28 In four populations, generalized arteriolar narrowing was estimated from an assessment of retinal vessel diameters with the use of digitized photographs.25,28,29,30,31 This technique appears to have substantial reproducibility (i.e., the intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.80 to 0.99 in four studies).25,28,29,30,31

    On the basis of photographic grading, these epidemiologic studies show that signs of hypertensive retinopathy are common in people 40 years of age or older, even in those without a history of hypertension. Prevalence rates ranged from 2 to 15 percent for various signs of retinopathy,20,21,22,23,24,25 in contrast to the earlier report from the Framingham Eye Study that found a prevalence of less than 1 percent among participants who underwent an ophthalmoscopic examination with dilation.32 The higher rates of prevalence in these more recent studies are probably due to a higher sensitivity of photography, as compared with clinical ophthalmoscopy, for detecting certain signs of retinopathy. However, there have been no studies that have directly compared the sensitivity or reliability of photography with that of ophthalmoscopy for the detection of hypertensive retinopathy, as there have been for diabetic retinopathy.

    A higher prevalence of retinopathy has been reported among black persons than among whites, a difference that is explained in large part by the higher levels of blood pressure among blacks.21,33 The racial variation confirms the results of a previous population-based survey that used direct ophthalmoscopy34 and suggests that retinal examination may be particularly useful for risk stratification among blacks. Variations in the prevalence of specific signs of hypertensive retinopathy according to age and sex have not been consistently demonstrated.20,21,22,23,24,25 There have been fewer studies of the incidence of hypertensive retinopathy. Two studies indicate that the incidence of various signs of retinopathy over a period of five to seven years ranges from 6 to 10 percent.26,27

    Blood Pressure

    Numerous studies have confirmed the strong association between the presence of signs of hypertensive retinopathy and elevated blood pressure.20,21,23,24,25,26,27,29,30,31,35 Two studies have further evaluated the effect of a history of elevated blood pressure on the occurrence of specific retinal signs.36,37 In both studies, generalized retinal arteriolar narrowing and arteriovenous nicking were associated with an elevation in blood pressure that had been documented six to eight years before the retinal assessment; the studies were controlled for concurrent blood-pressure levels. This association suggests that generalized narrowing and arteriovenous nicking are markers of vascular damage from chronic hypertension. In contrast, other signs (focal arteriolar narrowing, retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and cotton-wool spots) were related to current but not previous blood-pressure levels36,37 and may therefore be more indicative of the severity of recent hypertension.

    Furthermore, the observation of signs of retinopathy in people without a known history of hypertension suggests that these signs may be markers of a prehypertensive state. For example, generalized and focal narrowing of the retinal arterioles has been shown to predict the risk of hypertension in normotensive persons.38 Other factors unrelated to hypertension (e.g., hyperglycemia,15,22 inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction24) may also be involved in the pathogenesis of retinopathy.

    The Risk of Stroke

    The strongest evidence of the usefulness of an evaluation of hypertensive retinopathy for risk stratification is based on its association with stroke. It is well known that the retinal circulation shares anatomical, physiological, and embryologic features with the cerebral circulation. An autopsy study of patients with stroke showed a close correlation between retinal and cerebral arteriolar findings.39 Functional alterations in retinal blood flow in patients with lacunar stroke have also been reported.40

    Epidemiologic data from four large, population-based studies showed independent associations between signs of hypertensive retinopathy, as defined by the findings on retinal photographs, and the risk of stroke. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, a multisite cohort study, showed that some signs of retinopathy (e.g., retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and cotton-wool spots) were associated with a risk of newly diagnosed clinical stroke that was two to four times as high as that for patients who did not have these signs, even when the analysis was controlled for the effects of long-term elevations in blood pressure, cigarette smoking, elevated lipid levels, and other risk factors for stroke.41 This study has also shown that signs of retinopathy are associated with reduced cognitive performance on standardized neuropsychological tests,42 cerebral white-matter lesions,43 and cerebral atrophy as defined on the basis of findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).44

    In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, the five-year relative risk of stroke among participants who had both hypertensive retinopathy and cerebral lesions on MRI, as compared with those who had neither of these findings, was 18.1 (95 percent confidence interval, 5.9 to 55.4); among participants who had white-matter lesions only, the relative risk of stroke was 3.4 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.5 to 7.7).43 This pattern appears to reflect more severe or extensive subclinical cerebral microvascular disease in persons with both cerebral and retinal markers of hypertensive end-organ damage. In the Cardiovascular Health Study, after the analysis was controlled for elevated blood pressure and risk factors, persons with similar signs of retinopathy (retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and cotton-wool spots) were twice as likely to have a history of stroke as were those who did not have these signs (odds ratio, 2.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 3.6).25 Population-based studies in Wisconsin45 and in Japan46 have shown that the risks of fatal and nonfatal stroke are two to three times as high in persons with signs of retinopathy as they are in persons who do not have these signs — an association that is independent of cardiovascular risk factors.

    These population-based studies also show substantially weaker and less consistent associations between other retinal changes (e.g., generalized and focal narrowing of the arterioles and arteriovenous nicking) and stroke,25,42 death from stroke,45 cognitive impairment,42 and cerebral changes on MRI.43,44 The retinal signs most strongly associated with stroke (i.e., retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and cotton-wool spots) are correlated with a breakdown of the blood–retina barrier.18,19 The association of these signs with stroke may therefore suggest that disruption of the blood–brain barrier is a possible pathophysiological feature in the development of cerebrovascular disease. These findings also support the concept that an assessment of specific signs, rather than the presence or absence of hypertensive retinopathy, may be important for risk stratification.

    The Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

    There are fewer data regarding the association of hypertensive retinopathy and the risk of coronary heart disease. In the National Health Examination Survey, persons with retinal arteriolar narrowing, as detected on ophthalmoscopy, were two to six times as likely to have preexisting coronary heart disease as those without these changes, after the analysis was controlled for the presence or absence of hypertension and diabetes and for serum cholesterol levels.47 In a study of 560 men with hypertension and hyperlipidemia, the presence of hypertensive retinopathy predicted a doubling of the risk of coronary heart disease (relative risk, 2.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 4.2), and the presence of either generalized or focal narrowing of the arterioles predicted almost a tripling of this risk (relative risk, 2.9; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 6.2).48 In contrast, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study showed that generalized narrowing of the retinal arterioles was associated with subsequent coronary heart disease in women (relative risk, 2.2; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 4.6) but not in men (relative risk, 1.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.7 to 1.8).49 This finding may reflect the higher risk of coronary microvascular disease among women than among men.


    Some experimental studies50,51 and clinical trials52,53 have shown that signs of hypertensive retinopathy regress with the control of blood pressure, although spontaneous resolution of these signs in the presence of high blood pressure has also been reported.54 It is unclear whether antihypertensive medications that are thought to have direct beneficial effects on the microvascular structure (e.g., angiotension-converting–enzyme inhibitors) would reduce the damage of retinopathy beyond the reduction effected by lowered blood pressure. In a small study of 28 patients with mild hypertension who were randomly assigned to receive treatment with enalapril or hydrochlorothiazide, opacification of the retinal arteriolar wall was significantly reduced after 26 weeks of treatment with enalapril; no other signs of retinopathy were reduced.53 In contrast, hydrochlorothiazide did not have any effect on the signs of retinopathy. However, to date, there are no data from prospective, controlled trials that demonstrate that the specific reduction of hypertensive retinopathy also reduces the morbidity and mortality associated with cardiovascular disease. It is also unclear whether the targeting of persons with hypertensive retinopathy for established risk-reducing interventions offers additional advantages over the use of strategies without regard to retinal findings.

    Future Research

    The recent data suggest that there are several lines of future research. First, a standardized classification system for hypertensive retinopathy should be developed that is relevant to contemporary clinical situations and reflects the recent data. Evidence from recent studies supports the development of a photographic classification system that would be similar to the photographic grading of diabetic retinopathy. However, it is not yet clear that retinal photography should be a routine part of the management of hypertension or that photography is superior to ophthalmoscopy for the detection of signs of hypertensive retinopathy.

    Second, additional prospective studies are needed that demonstrate independent associations of hypertensive retinopathy with various cardiovascular outcomes. For example, there are no recent studies focusing on whether signs of retinopathy predict other hypertensive complications, such as renal dysfunction or congestive heart failure. It is also unclear whether a retinal examination would confer a greater benefit in specific subgroups of populations (e.g., younger people,45 women,49 and blacks33). An ongoing longitudinal study involving a multiethnic population will provide further insights into these issues.54

    Third, it is important to compare the relative value of a retinal assessment (based on an ophthalmoscopic examination performed with or without the use of photography) with other strategies of risk stratification (e.g., the use of electrocardiography and echocardiography). Finally, there is a need to evaluate whether specific therapy that is focused on the retinal microcirculation can reverse changes in retinopathy, and, if so, whether this approach will also ultimately result in a reduced cardiovascular risk.

    The Clinical Approach

    How should the physician use the available evidence? This review provides compelling evidence that certain signs of hypertensive retinopathy are associated with an increased cardiovascular risk that is independent of other risk factors. On the basis of the strength of these reported associations, we propose a simplified classification of hypertensive retinopathy — none, mild, moderate, and malignant — according to the severity of the retinal signs (Table 1). The physician may continue to provide routine care for patients with no retinopathy, undertake more vigilant monitoring of the cardiovascular risk in patients with mild retinopathy (i.e., those who have retinal arteriolar signs only), or adopt an aggressive approach to risk reduction in patients with moderate retinopathy (Figure 4). The few patients who have swelling of both optic disks and very high blood pressure (i.e., malignant retinopathy) need urgent antihypertensive treatment. In hypertensive patients with swelling of the optic disk, the physician should rule out anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, which occurs more frequently than malignant hypertensive retinopathy and is typically manifested as unilateral disk swelling, visual loss, and defects of the sectorial visual fields.

    Table 1. Classification of Hypertensive Retinopathy on the Basis of Recent Population-Based Data.

    Figure 4. Evaluation and Management of Hypertensive Retinopathy.

    There is insufficient evidence to recommend a routine ophthalmoscopic consultation for all patients with hypertension. If the initial clinical findings are equivocal (e.g., there is borderline or inconsistent hypertension with no other evidence of target-organ damage), an ophthalmoscopic consultation may be useful to supplement the risk assessment and treatment decisions. For some patients (e.g., those with diabetes or visual symptoms), referral may also be important to rule out other conditions such as diabetic retinopathy or retinal-vein occlusion.


    Signs of hypertensive retinopathy are common and are correlated with elevated blood pressure. Recent studies show that some of these signs (e.g., retinal hemorrhages, microaneurysms, and cotton-wool spots) predict stroke and death from stroke independently of elevated blood pressure and other risk factors. Patients with these signs of retinopathy may benefit from close monitoring of cerebrovascular risk and intensive measures to reduce that risk.

    Source Information

    From the Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, East Melbourne, Australia, and the Singapore Eye Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore (T.Y.W.); and the Centre for Vision Research, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (P.M.).

    Address reprint requests to Dr. Wong at the Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, 32 Gisborne St., East Melbourne 3002, Australia, or at twong@unimelb.edu.au.


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