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    L es Irwig, professor of epidemiology

    Screening and Test Evaluation P rogram ( STEP ) , School of Public

    Health, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Aus tralia. ( lesi@ health.

    usyd. edu. au )

    Nehma t Houssami, senior lecturer, Br uce Armst r ong, professor of

    public health

    Screening and Test Evaluation P rogram ( STEP ) , School of Public

    Health, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 , Australia

    P a ul Gl asziou, professor

    Department of Primary Health Care, Univers ity of Oxford, Oxford OX3


    资助( Funding) : Supported in part by programme grant 211205 from the

    Australian National Health and Medical Research Counci l and a

    University of Sydney Medical Foundation Program Grant .

    利益冲突( Competing interests ) : None declared.

    ( 廖瑜倩 译 徐兵河 校)


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    BMJ 2006; 332 : 678-9



    Cer vical cancer , human papillomavir us, and vaccination

    Vaccines work, but we need more information before widespread immunisation

    人类乳头状瘤病毒( HPV) 感染是宫颈癌主要

    高危因素之一, 在一项针对 HPV 感染疫苗的试验取

    得了令人鼓舞的结果1 ......
