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Activation of a Neural Brain-Testicular Pathway Rapidly Lowers Leydig Cell Levels of the Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein an
http://www.100md.com 《内分泌学杂志》
     The Clayton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide Biology, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California 92037


    Activation of a neural brain-testicular pathway by the intracerebroventricular injection of the -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (ISO), the hypothalamic peptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), or alcohol (EtOH) rapidly decreases the testosterone (T) response to human chorionic gonadotropin. To elucidate the intratesticular mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, we investigated the influence of intracerebroventricular-injected ISO, CRF, or EtOH on levels of the steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein, the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR), and the cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme in semipurified Leydig cells. ISO (10 μg), CRF (5 μg), or EtOH (5 μl of 200 proof, a dose that does not induce neuronal damage nor leaks to the periphery) rapidly decreased StAR and PBR but not cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme protein levels. Levels of the variant of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) that is restricted to Leydig cells, TnNOS, significantly increased in response to ISO, CRF, and EtOH over the time course of altered StAR/PBR concentrations. However, pretreatment of the rats with Nwnitro-arginine methylester, which blocked ISO-induced increases in TnNOS, neither restored the T response to human chorionic gonadotropin nor prevented the decreases in StAR and PBR. These results provide evidence of concomitant changes in Leydig cell StAR and PBR levels in live rats. They also indicate that activation of a neural brain-testicular pathway rapidly decreases concentrations of these steroidogenic proteins while up-regulating testicular NO production. However, additional studies are necessary to elucidate the functional role played by this gas in our model.


    TESTOSTERONE (T) SYNTHESIS in the Leydig cells is traditionally thought to be governed by the release of LH from the pituitary, itself under the control of the hypothalamic peptide LHRH (1, 2, 3). However, certain stressors are known to cause a rapid decrease in T release that occurs without measurable changes in mean LH levels (4). The mechanisms by which this inhibition takes place have been the subject of much speculation, including an altered pattern of pulsatile LH secretion as well as the presence in the circulation and/or the testes of compounds that inhibit steroidogenesis (reviewed in Ref.5). We recently proposed an additional and not necessarily mutually exclusive possibility, namely the existence of an inhibitory brain-testes pathway that is activated by stress-related compounds. This hypothesis was based on our observation that the intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of the -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (ISO), corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), or alcohol (EtOH) all rapidly and significantly blunted T secretion induced by the exogenous injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (4, 6, 7, 8, 9). Blocking LH release with a potent LHRH antagonist neither mimicked nor influenced the suppressive influence of the icv-administered molecules, thereby indicating that this influence was independent of the pituitary. Normal testicular activity was similarly not restored by prior treatment with CRF antibodies, which did not support the hypothesis that the effect of the proposed inhibitory pathway relied on adrenal steroids (5, 6, 7, 8). Finally, we showed that none of the icv treatments we used altered testicular blood flow (9), thereby eliminating the possibility that the blunted T response measured in these experiments was a result of decreased delivery of gonadotropins to and/or impaired T release from Leydig cells. This pathway was subsequently mapped with the retrograde transneuronal tracer pseudo-rabies virus (10, 11, 12) and shown to include specific areas of the hypothalamus (4, 9). However, the testicular mechanisms through which stimulation of this circuit interferes with T synthesis and release have not yet been elucidated. Our earlier studies had indicated that the icv injection of IL-1 did not alter testicular LH/hCG binding affinity but lowered testicular steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein levels without suppressing mitochondrial function because the addition of a water-permeable form of cholesterol to decapsulated testes prevented the inhibitory influence of the cytokine (13). In the present work, we investigated the possible roles of three proteins, the StAR protein (14, 15), the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) (16, 17), and the cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 (P450scc), in response to centrally injected compounds known to decrease the T response to hCG.

    StAR is synthesized de novo as a 37-kDa precursor that actively binds cholesterol in the cytosol and is then imported into the mitochondria where it is rapidly cleaved to a 30-kDa mature form (18, 19). This highly conserved protein (20) plays an essential role in steroid hormone synthesis by regulating the transfer of cholesterol, which is the substrate for all steroid hormones, from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane where P450scc catalyzes its conversion to pregnenolone (3, 21, 22, 23). Delivery of cholesterol to P450scc is thus considered the true rate-limiting step of steroidogenesis. However, StAR is now known to interact with PBR, an 18-kDa protein located on the outer mitochondrial membrane where it is expressed as a cholesterol transporter and serves as a cholesterol channel (24, 25, 26, 27, 28). Specifically, StAR binds cholesterol in the cytoplasm and transfers it to PBR, a step that is followed by transport of this molecule across the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane (16, 29, 30). The fact that PBR is required for StAR import into mitochondria (31, 32) thus indicates that both proteins represent essential components of steroidogenesis. Indeed, changes in StAR and/or PBR levels have been associated with related changes in the levels of a variety of steroids in the nervous system (33), the adrenals (34, 35, 36, 37), and the corpus luteum (38). However, to our knowledge, there is no information regarding concurrent responses of gonadal StAR and PBR to stressors delivered to the intact animal.

    We show here that icv-injected ISO, CRF, or EtOH all rapidly lowered the testicular levels of both StAR and PBR in paradigms associated with blunted T release. These results then led us to ask whether we could also detect changes in the testicular levels of molecules known to inhibit steroidogenesis that might play a functional role in decreased StAR and PBR levels. Our initial focus was on the unstable gas nitric oxide (NO), which has been reportedly found in testes using various detection methods such as nitrite/nitrate levels, citrulline conversion, and NO synthase (NOS) measurement by histochemical procedure (39, 40). Stressors such as immobilization and proinflammatory cytokines, as well as alcohol, were found to increase testicular NO levels (40, 41, 42), and these increases appear to be related to both constitutive and inducible forms of NO (40, 42, 43). Interestingly, a 125-kDa isoform alternate promoter of the 150-kDa human neuronal NOS, the constitutive enzyme responsible for NO formation (44, 45), was recently found in mice Leydig cells and called T neuronal (n)NOS (46, 47). However, despite much evidence that NO interferes with male sex steroid synthesis (41, 48, 49, 50, 51), a recent report argued against the presence of NO in Leydig cells, proposing instead that this gas was produced by testicular macrophages (52). We therefore thought it of interest to determine whether we would detect changes in NOS and/or NO levels in our models. We show here that indeed, the icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH induced significant increases in TnNOS protein levels as well as testicular NO concentrations. Pretreatment of the animals with the arginine derivative Nwnitro-arginine methylester (L-NAME) at doses known to significantly decrease brain and pituitary NO levels (53, 54) completely prevented increased NO production in the testes. However, L-NAME was unable to restore normal StAR or PBR expression in Leydig cells, or hCG-induced T secretion, in ISO-injected rats. Consequently, the physiological importance of testicular NO in mediating the proposed hypothalamic-testicular inhibitory pathway remains to be further clarified.

    Materials and Methods

    Animals and surgeries

    Adult Sprague Dawley male rats (Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc., Indianapolis, IN), 65–70 d old at the time of the experiments, were housed under controlled lighting conditions (12 h light, 12 h darkness) with food and water available ad libitum. The icv cannulae were implanted in rats anesthetized with ketamine (100 mg/kg)/acepromazine (4 mg/kg)/xylazine (10 mg/kg) and placed in a stereotaxic device (4). Correct placement of the icv cannulae was verified in coronal sections of the brains after icv injection of dye, and only results from rats with correct placement were included in the statistical analysis. The iv cannulae were inserted under isoflurane anesthesia (4). The animals were individually housed after surgery and allowed to recover for 7–10 d (icv) or 2 d (iv) before experimentation. All protocols were approved by The Salk Institute (La Jolla, CA) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

    Experimental protocols

    All experiments were carried out in freely moving rats, and each experiment was done at least twice. On the day of the experiment, the animals were removed to a soundproof room and individually housed in opaque buckets no later than 0700 h. The icv cannulae were fitted with connectors made of polyethylene tubing, with injection sites positioned outside of the buckets. The icv treatments were administered at time points listed in the figures (1 μl/10 sec, total volume of 5 μl). The iv cannulae were connected to the injection syringes filled with heparinized saline. After iv injection of hCG (1 U/kg), blood samples (0.3 ml) were taken through the iv cannula in undisturbed rats and immediately replaced with an equivalent volume of apyrogenic isotonic saline. Bloods were drawn into tubes that contained EDTA (10 μl of a 60 mg/ml solution) and placed on ice. They were centrifuged at 4 C, and plasma was stored at –20 C until assayed.


    Absolute, reagent-grade EtOH (USP, 200 proof) was purchased from Accurate Chemical and Scientific Co. (Shelbyville, KY). We have previously shown that the dose we used (5 μl undiluted EtOH) does not leak to the periphery and does not induce tissue damage within the brain (9, 55). The animals do not exhibit any observable signs of intoxication, and alcohol levels in the cerebrospinal fluid remain virtually undetectable (55). ISO, hCG, and L-NAME were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Rat/human CRF and the LHRH antagonist azaline-B were synthesized by solid-phase methodology (56) and generously provided by Dr. Jean Rivier (The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA). ISO and CRF were diluted in sterile apyrogenic water for icv injection. Rat StAR antiserum was generously provided by Dr. D. B. Hales (University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL) and Dr. D. M. Stocco (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX). Rat PBR antisera was the generous gift of Dr. V. Papadopoulos (Georgetown University, Washington, DC), whereas P450scc antibodies were generously provided by Dr. W. L. Miller (University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA). These antibodies were generated as previously described (26, 57, 58) and used according to the parameters recommended by the corresponding investigators. Collagenase was purchased from Worthington Biochemical Corp. (Lakewood, NJ), and Percoll was purchased from GE Healthcare (Piscataway, NJ). Medium 199 (M199) was purchased from Invitrogen (San Diego, CA).

    Leydig cell isolation

    The rats were decapitated at the appropriate times after each treatment. Testes were rapidly removed, decapsulated, and cleared of large blood vessels. Samples were dispersed in a collagenase solution (collagenase 0.1% wt/vol, BSA 1.25% wt/vol in M199), washed in M199, suspended in an isotonic Percoll gradient, and centrifuged at 16,000 rpm for 45 min. An equal volume of cells per sample was then pulled off the gradient after centrifugation and washed in heparin dissociation buffer. The purity of Leydig cells obtained by this method is considered to be at least 80% (23, 59, 60). Because of the filtering step used before Percoll gradient, the possible contamination by macrophages is considered to be less than 1% (Hales, D. B., personal communication).

    Western blot analysis

    Pelleted Leydig cells were suspended in lysis buffer (0.1% SDS in PBS) with Halt protease inhibitor cocktail and MG-132 (Pierce, Rockford, IL), vortexed, briefly sonicated, and centrifuged. Protein concentrations were measured using the Bradford assay for total protein. Equal amounts of protein per sample (75–100 μg) were loaded onto 10% Bis-Tris or 3–8% Tris acetate polyacrylamide gels (Invitrogen) and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, 0.2 μm pore size (Invitrogen). Blots were incubated separately with 1:500 rat anti-nNOS (Amersham, Piscataway, NJ), 1:5000 rat anti-StAR (Dr. D. B. Hales), 1:3000 human anti-P450scc (Dr. W. L. Miller) (58), or 1:2000 rat anti-PBR (Dr. V. Papadopoulos). Total protein was controlled by measuring levels of the 43-kDa actin with mouse antiactin (Sigma), which showed linear increases over a 25- to 125-μg range (R = 0.923). Western blot detection was performed using a SuperSignal West Pico enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) kit (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL), and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated donkey antirabbit from Pierce or sheep antimouse from Amersham Biosciences (Arlington Heights, IL) as secondary antibodies. Semiquantitative analysis of band intensities from protein immunoblots was done using ImageQuant software (Molecular Dynamics, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) after levels were converted to relative OD. It must be noted that although the active 37-kDa form of StAR is readily visualized in Leydig cells maintained in culture (see for example Ref.32), current procedures for Leydig cell preparation from live rats are often not compatible with the measurement of this form of StAR, which is rapidly processed in the mitochondria (61, 62). However, the direct conversion of the precursor form to the mature 30-kDa form, which can be reliably measured, provides a widely used index of changes in StAR synthesis (62, 63).

    In view of the large number of replicates present in most experiments, it was not possible to run all samples under identical conditions. Data were therefore calculated as percent changes vis-a-vis controls. Nevertheless, to demonstrate that the information did not depend on how we presented the data, we also show the raw data for one representative experiment done with icv CRF (see Fig. 2B) because it pertains to groups that were processed under the most closely related conditions.


    Plasma T levels were measured in 50 μl unextracted plasma with a kit from Diagnostic Products Corp. (Los Angeles, CA) (8). The ED20, ED50, and ED80 of this assay are 12.08 ± 1.15, 1.76 ± 0.84, and 0.26 ± 0.04 ng T/ml, respectively. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation are 2.1 and 4%, respectively. Intratesticular NO levels were measured in isolated Leydig cells using a nitrate/nitrite colorimetric assay (Caymen Chemicals, Ann Arbor, MI), which we have previously described in detail (65, 66). Samples were filtered on Acrodisc 0.2 μM syringe tip filters (Pall, East Hills, NY), and then combined with kit enzymes. Samples were read at 540–550 nm on a BIORAD Lumimark Plus microplate reader. Data were analyzed by MikroWin 2000.

    Statistical analysis

    Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Fisher’s protected least significant difference and Bonferroni/Dunn as a post hoc test. Each value was expressed as the mean ± SEM, and statistical significance was accepted for P < 0.05.


    Effect of the icv injection of ISO, EtOH, or CRF on testicular StAR, PBR, and P450scc protein levels (Figs. 1–3)

    EtOH, ISO, or CRF was injected icv at doses previously shown to significantly inhibit the T response to hCG (4, 5, 9). Preliminary experiments were first carried out with testes collected over the time courses indicated by these studies, and these data were used to focus on the specific time points illustrated here. Although we show statistical analysis for all time points, we only illustrate immunoblots representative of maximum changes (Figs. 1 and 3) unless protein levels displayed a differential recovery (Fig. 2). In ISO-injected rats, StAR and PBR levels were reduced (P < 0.01) at both the 5- and 30-min time points (Fig. 1). CRF also significantly (P < 0.01) decreased StAR and PBR levels measured 10 min later (Fig. 2, A and B). (For the rationale for presenting results as a function of percent control as well as raw data, see Materials and Methods.) However, PBR levels had returned to control levels by 30 min, a finding that has been consistent. Finally, EtOH decreased PBR (P < 0.01) but not StAR levels 5 min later, whereas values of both proteins were significantly (P < 0.01) lowered at 20 min (Fig. 3). In none of these experiments did P450scc levels exhibit significant changes, which is illustrated for CRF and EtOH in Figs. 2 and 3 (for P450scc response to icv ISO, see Fig. 5 below). Overall, these results indicate that the icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH rapidly, significantly, and consistently decreased the expression of both StAR and PBR measured by Western blotting. Whether these rapid changes in protein levels represent arrested synthesis, increased degradation, or both remains to be determined. Although it is well known that compounds delivered to the brain ventricles readily leak to the periphery (67, 68), we found that the iv injection of amounts of EtOH, ISO, or CRF identical to those administered icv did not alter testicular activity (Rivier, C., unpublished observation). Also, we previously reported that the icv injection of EtOH did not lead to measurable levels of the drug in the circulation (69). Consequently, it is highly unlikely that the changes we report here in terms of StAR and PBR levels result from a peripherally mediated effect of the tested compounds.

    Effect of the icv injection of ISO, EtOH, or CRF on Leydig cell TnNOS protein levels and NO levels (Figs. 4 and 5)

    The icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH rapidly and significantly (P < 0.01) increased levels of the 125-kDa TnNOS measured 5 and 30 (ISO), 10 and 30 (CRF), or 5 and 20 (EtOH) min later (Fig. 4). Testicular NO levels also significantly (P < 0.05) increased (Fig. 5). In contrast, values for the 150-kDa nNOS isoform showed no significant changes at 10 min (96 ± 35% of control) and inconsistent increases at 30 min (234 ± 55% of control).

    Consequence of blocking NOS activity on the effect of ISO on testicular TnNOS, StAR, PBR, and P450scc levels (Fig. 6)

    L-NAME was injected according to a regimen (50 mg/kg, sc, 2.5–3 h before icv-injected compounds) previously shown to significantly decrease NOS activity and completely block NO formation in the brain (53, 65). Control rats received the vehicle. In the current experiments, L-NAME similarly interfered with ISO-induced increases in TnNOS levels (Fig. 6A). By contrast, the inhibition of StAR and PBR remained unaffected (Fig. 6B). Finally, P450scc levels were neither decreased by icv-injected ISO nor altered by L-NAME (Fig. 6B).

    Consequence of blocking NOS activity on the inhibitory effect of ISO and on hCG-induced T release (Fig. 7)

    Even though icv-injected ISO acts on Leydig cell function independently of LH release (4, 6), we considered the possibility that the known influence of NO on the LHRH-LH axis (see for example Refs.71, 72, 73, 74, 75) might introduce a confounding parameter. We therefore ran some experiments in animals pretreated with the LHRH antagonist azaline-B according to a protocol (40 μg/kg, iv, 1 h before L-NAME) that does not influence the inhibitory effect of icv-injected compounds on Leydig cell activity (6, 7). The animals were then injected as described earlier with the sc administration of L-NAME or its vehicle, followed by the central injection of ISO, CRF, or the vehicle. There was no difference between results obtained in rats pretreated or not with azaline-B, and we therefore present data from the latter group. T levels are illustrated as cumulative amounts measured over a 60-min time course after hCG injection. In agreement with a previous report (49), blockade of NO synthesis slightly increased both basal T levels and the T response to hCG (Fig. 7). However, L-NAME did not significantly reverse the inhibitory effect of ISO (percent decrease of the T response to hCG for vehicle/ISO was 59.2 ± 6.0 and for L-NAME/ISO was 58.1 ± 5.7; P > 0.05) or CRF (vehicle/CRF, 42.8 ± 4.6; L-NAME/CRF, 47.6 ± 5.1; P > 0.05) (Fig. 7).


    The data presented here indicate that the icv injection of the -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, the stress peptide CRF, or a small amount of alcohol all significantly depressed Leydig cell levels of the steroidogenic proteins StAR and PBR. These results, which extend our previous work on the influence of icv-injected IL-1 on testicular enzymes (13), are interesting for several reasons. First, they provide evidence for concomitant changes in testicular StAR and PBR values in the live male rat, because the only currently available work focuses on levels of these proteins in cultured mouse Leydig tumor cells (32). Our results also provide evidence that these decreases occur very quickly after icv injection of the test compounds but that, interestingly, levels of StAR and PBR returned to control values at different rates. Finally, ISO, CRF, or EtOH did not alter P450scc levels, which indicates that we did not simply measure nonspecific changes in mitochondrial function. It is of interest that icv-injected IL-1 (13) and systemic endotoxemia (19) similarly interfere with testicular steroidogenesis through StAR-dependent mechanisms (PBR was not studied in these experiments) but leave intact the steroidogenic machinery downstream of cholesterol transport.

    In view of the current concept that StAR and PBR act in a coordinated manner to transfer cholesterol into mitochondria (28, 29, 76), it was not particularly surprising to observe that levels of both proteins decreased concomitantly. What was more unexpected was the fact that although both StAR and PBR levels remained depressed for at least 30 min after ISO injection, PBR concentrations returned to control values 30 min after CRF administration. It is currently thought that cytoplasmic StAR transfers cholesterol to PBR for import across the membrane (31) while at the same time PBR is required for StAR import into mitochondria (32). Studies done in mouse Leydig tumor cells treated with PBR or StAR oligodeoxynucleotides antisense indicated that the absence of PBR stopped hormone-induced steroidogenesis more quickly than the absence of StAR (32). The authors of this work further proposed that "PBR serves as a gatekeeper in protein and cholesterol import into mitochondria, and StAR serves the role of the hormone-induced activator" (32). Our published (6, 77) as well as unpublished work (C.R.) indicates that CRF significantly depresses the T response to hCG for at least 90 min after its icv administration, thereby encompassing a time when PBR levels are back to control values. This would suggest that once the events controlled by PBR (in particular, cholesterol transfer from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane) have taken place, the subsequent inhibition of steroidogenesis depends on other parameters. It is of interest that a similar dissociation between changes in StAR and PBR expression was reported in Leydig cells exposed to hCG despite the continuous release of progesterone (32, 78). Detailed time-related changes in PBR, StAR, P450scc, and other steroidogenic proteins, as well as the respective roles of these entities, therefore need to be evaluated in future experiments focused on our models. At present, we do not know how long ISO and CRF remain in the brain ventricles, what their effective molar concentrations are at the target -adrenergic receptors, and/or how long they retain their activity at the level of these receptors. It is therefore difficult to provide a cogent explanation for their apparent different time course of influence on StAR and PBR.

    The rapidity with which icv treatments altered PBR and StAR levels both supports and extends our previous work showing that the icv injection of ISO, for example, significantly interfered with the T response to hCG within 5 min (4). Indeed, the speed of effect of the administration of catecholamines, IL-1, or CRF on Leydig cell activity had provided the original basis for our hypothesis that there was a neural connection between the brain (and in particular the hypothalamus) (4) and the testes (6, 7, 11). We also hypothesized that the intratesticular signal(s) that modulated the influence of this pathway on Leydig cells is required to be released very quickly. This is one of the reasons we were originally attracted to the possibility that this signal might be NO. We show here that, indeed, the icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH significantly up-regulated TnNOS expression in Leydig cells. First, we must note that these findings are in direct contrast to a recent report that Leydig cells are unable to produce NO (52). These investigators proposed that testicular macrophages were the best candidates as a source of NO. At present, the reason for this discrepancy is not clear. However, it should be pointed out that Weissman et al. (52) used a probe directed against brain nNOS, not TnNOS. The latter shows a restricted expression pattern of an nNOS variant in Leydig cells (47), and because we detected only inconsistent and very heterogeneous changes in nNOS in most experiments in which the icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH significantly increased TnNOS levels (see Fig. 4), this may provide at least a partial explanation for the reported failure (52) to observe nNOS in unstimulated Leydig cells. It is also possible that the methods Weissman et al. (52) used to measure NO may not have been sensitive enough to detect basal concentrations of this gas in Leydig cells. Indeed, although we were able to detect the presence of NO itself under both basal and stimulated conditions, changes detected by colorimetry are relatively small, although significant, vis-a-vis those of changes in TnNOS protein levels (see Fig. 5). In this context it is important to remember that NO is very labile and difficult to measure directly (79, 80, 81). Consequently, increases in NOS levels are often considered more reliable indexes of the production of this gas.

    Several investigators showed that the addition of large doses of exogenous NO to isolated Leydig cells interferes with steroidogenesis (50, 51, 52). However, despite the ability of stressors such as immobilization and alcohol to increase testicular NO levels, evidence that this gas plays a physiological role in regulating T release remains somewhat ambiguous (40, 42, 82), and the most prudent conclusion may be that at present, the role played by NO may depend on the model. We found that despite the clear up-regulation of the testicular NO machinery by icv-injected ISO, CRF, or EtOH, this phenomenon did not appear to be physiologically relevant because blockade of NO synthesis by the arginine derivative L-NAME did not reverse the inhibitory effect of icv-injected treatments on testicular steroidogenic proteins. There is some in vitro evidence that NO primarily acts on P450scc, rather than StAR (50, 51). However, we show here that in vivo manipulations of NO synthesis did not significantly alter P450scc levels in the testes. Furthermore, the fact that L-NAME was unable to reverse the influence of ISO on the T response to hCG makes it highly unlikely that a putative differential effect of this arginine derivative on StAR vs. P450 is of significance in our model. It is also important to note that we used a dose of L-NAME that we had previously reported effective in nearly totally eliminating NO in various tissues (53, 65). Finally, the method we used for purifying Leydig cells is thought to yield a preparation containing less than 1% macrophages (Hales, D. B., personal communication). Even though macrophages are known to produce NO (see for example Refs.64 and 83, 84, 85, 86), they mostly do so through inducible NOS and are therefore highly unlikely to respond over the time frame of our model. It is equally important to note that L-NAME will block NO release regardless of the source of this gas. Our current understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the spread of NO across tissues (70) suggests that Leydig cells represent likely targets for NO irrespective of its sources within the testes. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the lack of influence of L-NAME on T release reflects the fact that this gas does not play a physiological role in our model, rather than the potential inadequacy of the NOS inhibitor to block testicular NO formation.

    In conclusion, we have shown that the icv injection of ISO, CRF, or EtOH induced an extremely rapid as well as remarkably specific inhibitory influence on Leydig cell steroidogenesis. These results provide evidence for concomitant changes in the concentrations of Leydig cell StAR and PBR in an in vivo model as well as for the speed at which these changes can take place. The fact that none of the experimental manipulations we used significantly altered P450scc levels also strongly argues for the specificity of these effects on very early events of steroidogenesis. Coupled with our previous reports of the loss of T response to hCG observed in rats receiving these icv treatments (6, 7, 8), the reduction in StAR and PBR levels suggests that these proteins play a critical role in the peripheral modulation of the proposed inhibitory brain-testes pathway (5). Although our results do not provide information regarding potential functional relationships between StAR and PBR, they certainly suggest that, as demonstrated in isolated Leydig cells (31, 32), such is the case. Finally, our studies should help resolve a recent controversy regarding the presence of NO in these cells. We provide here clear evidence that not only do Leydig cells indeed contain the NOS subtype that is specific to the male gonad (47), they also quickly respond to stimulation of the brain-testicular pathway by producing increasing levels of this enzyme. However, although altered steroidogenesis was accompanied by up-regulated activity of the NO machinery, it does not appear to be controlled by this gas. Thus, the intratesticular signaling molecules that mediate the influence of a brain-testicular neural pathway on androgen production remain to be identified.


    We gratefully acknowledge the generous gifts of h/rCRF and azaline-B from Dr. Jean Rivier (The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA), StAR antibodies from Dr. D. B. Hales (University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL) and Dr. D. M. Stocco (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX), PBR antibodies from Dr. V. Papadopoulos (Georgetown University, Washington, DC), and P450scc antibodies from Dr. W. L. Miller (University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA). We are also indebted to Dr. Dan Selvage for the data shown in Fig. 5, to Amy Blount for expert advice during the course of this work, to Dr. Soon Lee for help with the statistical analysis of the data and the actin standard curve, to Yaira Haas and Cristin Roach for excellent technical assistance, and to Debbie Doan for help in the preparation of the manuscript and the figures.


    This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant AA-12810.

    First Published Online October 20, 2005

    Abbreviations: CRF, Corticotropin-releasing factor; EtOH, alcohol; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; icv, intracerebroventricular; ISO, isoproterenol; M199, medium 199; nNOS, neuronal nitric oxide synthase; PBR, peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor; P450scc, cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450; StAR, steroidogenic acute regulatory; T, testosterone.

    Accepted for publication October 3, 2005.


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