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http://www.100md.com 2007年6月15日 《医药经济报》 2007.06.15



    Spread the powder on the affected area.


    The concentration[knsen'trein] of the powder in water shouldn't be too high, to prevent [pri'vent] damage ['dmi] to the skin.


    PP powder is dissolved in five litres water for sit bath [ba:].


    Dissolve powder at a low concentration to prevent burns [b:nz].


    Please dissolve the tablet(powder) in hot water, soak[suk] your hand(foot) in it for twenty minutes, twice a day.



    Squeeze[skwi:z] a little ointment['intmnt] on your eyelid.


    Use the eye-drop on your eyes four to six times a day, one to two drops each time. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid ['ailid] every night.


    There should be twenty minutes intervals ['intvls] between dripping these two types of eye-drops.


    Use these eye-drops alternately [:k't:nitli], and use the eye ointment at night., http://www.100md.com