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http://www.100md.com 2007年6月25日 《中国医药报》 2007.06.25

    Shop assistant: Hello! Can I help you?


    Client: I need some painkillers.


    Shop assistant: Which part of your body hurts?


    Client: It''s not for me, it''s for my daughter. She has dysmenorrheal with frequent abdominal distention and pain in the abdomen and waist.


    Shop assistant: According to what you said, she had better not useany painkillers.


    Client: Why? She always uses them.


    Shop assistant: In this condition, painkillers may result in a nervousdisorder, insomnia and loss of memory.


    Client: Why?


    Shop assistant: As far as I know, the reasons might be a poor cycleof blood and loss of energy, an unsmooth flow of blood or exercisingvigorously during menstruation, or an attack of the cold.


    Client: How can she prevent this?


    Shop assistant: You should take her to the hospital for an examination,and make sure she takes the correct medicine. She can also use a pouchof hot water or drink ginger tea and brown sugar to alleviate the pain.


    Client: I will take her to the hospital instead of using medicineatwill. Thank you!


    Shop assistant: Don''t mention it, goodbye!顾客:再见!

    Client: Goodbye!

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), 百拇医药(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)