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http://www.100md.com 《中国修复重建外科杂志》 1999年第1期
     作者:陈辉 陈绍宗 李跃军



    中国修复重建外科杂志990105 【摘 要】 目的 重建隐动脉皮瓣感觉修复足跟部软组织缺损。方法 对3例足跟部软组织缺损采用隐动脉皮瓣交叉移植修复,应用神经端侧吻合技术重建皮瓣感觉并恢复供肢内踝、足内缘和趾皮肤的感觉。结果 3例均获得成功,随访6~12个月,皮瓣感觉恢复良好,供肢内踝、足内缘和趾皮肤感觉亦恢复。结论 应用神经端侧吻合技术可重建皮瓣感觉功能。

, http://www.100md.com
    Chen Hui, Chen Shaozong, Li Yuejun. Department of Plastic Surgery, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University. Xi'an Shanxi, P.R.China 710038

    【Abstract】 Objective The repair of soft tissue defect of heel by traditional operation did not restore the sensation of the heel. Methods In order to solve this problem, the saphenous neurovascular skin flap reinnervated by end-to-side neuro-anastomosis was designed and 3 male patients with soft tissue defects of the heel were so treated. Grossgraft of saphenous neurovascular skin flap was employed for repairing the soft tissue defects of heel and the pedicle was divided at 21 days after operation. The end-to-side neuro-anastomosis was used to reinnervate not only the skim flap, but also the skin area of the medial malleolus, medial aspect of the foot and the big toe of the donor limb. Results After follow-up of 6~12 months, the walking and weight bearing functions of the affected limbs were good, the contour of the grafted area was satisfactory, and the recovery of sensation of the skin flap, the medial malleolus, the medial aspect of the foot and the big toe was observed. Conclusion ① Crossgraft of the saphenous skin flap was an effective method to repair the soft tissue defect of the heel; ② End-to-side neuro-anastomosis could restore the sensation of the skin flap.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Perepheral nerve End-to-side neuro-anastomosis Skin flap Heel

    足部或足底部严重外伤,导致足底大片瘢痕形成或足底部皮肤软组织缺损,给患者带来严重功能障碍。治疗此类畸形时,不仅需要软组织覆盖,且应尽可能恢复足底负重及保护性感觉功能。我们曾采用神经端端吻合方法重建皮瓣感觉功能,但在受区难找到可供吻合的合适神经断端。在神经端侧吻合实验的基础上,将隐动脉皮瓣中的隐神经近侧断端与对侧腓肠神经干侧面吻合,重建皮瓣感觉功能, 将供肢隐神经残端与同侧腓肠神经干侧面吻合,使供肢内踝、足内缘和趾皮肤感觉亦可恢复,取得了满意效果。报告如下。

    1 临床资料

    1.1 一般资料
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    1.2 手术方法

    切除足跟部创面血供不良组织,包括外露坏死的筋膜、严重撕脱的脂肪垫、变性坏死的跟骨或贴骨瘢痕。根据创面需要设计形成隐动脉皮瓣。掀起皮瓣时标记隐神经远侧断端,沿隐神经远侧走行方向作S形切口,游离或潜行分离出一段隐神经,在小腿后侧中线作纵切口,找到并分离腓肠神经。将隐神经远侧断端通过皮下隧道至腓肠神经处。在手术显微镜下纵行剪开5 mm腓肠神经外膜,勿损伤膜内神经纤维,11/0显微缝线将隐神经远断端外膜与腓肠神经开窗的外膜缝合。隐神经断面应紧贴腓肠神经,神经吻合处不应有张力,隐神经断端不应扭曲、折叠,以恢复隐神经皮肤支配区感觉。交叉移位隐动脉皮瓣至对侧足跟部受区,其余创面植皮,21天断蒂。断蒂时向近端分离出一段隐神经长5 cm,在外踝处作S形切口,游离出腓肠神经,在足跟后侧向腓肠神经处作皮下隧道,将皮瓣中隐神经近侧断端通过皮下隧道至腓肠神经处。同法行神经端侧吻合,缝合皮肤,石膏托固定3周。
, 百拇医药
    1.3 结果


    2 讨论

, 百拇医药
    在行神经端侧吻合时应注意:①隐神经与腓肠神经均较细,腓肠神经外膜切开5 mm为妥,吻合时操作简便,外膜缝合准确。切开外膜不宜过深,以免损伤膜内纤维。②神经端侧吻合张力,断端无扭曲、折叠;隐神经的断面应紧贴受移植神经干侧面,两者间以无间隙为宜。术后应制动、固定3~4周。


    3 参考文献

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, http://www.100md.com
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