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http://www.100md.com 《临床麻醉学杂志》 2000年第1期
     作者:高玉英 杭燕南 孙大金

    单位:上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院麻醉科 200001


    临床麻醉学杂志000102 摘要 目的:观察尼卡地平、氟哌啶和氧化亚氮对快速增加呼气末地氟醚浓度超过1MAC所引起的交感活性增强的抑制作用。方法:采用异丙酚静脉麻醉诱导,气管插管后吸入地氟醚,呼气末浓度4%持续30分钟后,快速增加到8%(1分钟内)。实验组患者在升高地氟醚浓度前5分钟分别给予尼卡地平10μg/kg、氟哌啶0.07mg/kg或吸入50%N2O(每组6例)。结果:对照组在地氟醚呼气末浓度快速升高到8%后1分钟,HR、MAP分别增加31%和20.6%,N2O组HR的增加幅度与对照组相同,但MAP的升高幅度较对照组低59.7%,尼卡地平组HR和MAP的升高幅度分别较对照组低58.8%和54.4%,氟哌啶组HR和MAP升高幅度分别较对照组低72.8%和60.7%。结论:尼卡地平和氟哌啶可有效地预防快速增加呼气末地氟醚浓度而导致的交感活性增强,而N2O对这一反应无明显作用。
, 百拇医药
    Nicardipine,Droperidol and N2O Blunt the Sympathetic Activity Induced by Desflurane in Humans

    Gao Yuying Hang Yannan Sun Dajin

    (Ren Ji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University 200001)

    Abstract Objective:To explore the effect of nicardipine,droperidol and N2O on attenuating sympathetic activity induced by desflurane.Methods:After induction of anesthesia with propofol 2mg/kg, anesthesia was maintained with 4% end-tidal desflurane in oxygen for 30min in 24 patients.The end-tidal desflurane concentration reached to 8% within 1 min and maintained this concentration for 10min.Of 24 patients,eighteen patients were divided in three groups(6 each) and given iv.nicardipine 10μg/kg,droperidol 0.06 mg/kg or inhalation of 50% N2O in oxygen respectively at 5min before the end-tidal concentration of desflurane was increased from 4% to 8%. Results:Without pretreatment the increase of desflurane to 8% increased HR(from 87±14 to 114±15bpm) and MAP(from 97±14 to 117±15mmHg).Nicardipine and droperidol attenuated the increase in HR by 58.8%,72.8% and MAP by 54.4% and 60.7%.Nitrous oxide did not change the results.Conclusion:Nicardipine and droperidol blunt the sympathetic response to a rapid increase in desflurane concentration and N2O does not.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words Desflurane N2O Nicardipine Droperidol



    病例选择 择期下腹部手术患者24例,其中男16例,女8例,年龄43.2±10.7岁,体重51.3±9.3kg,ASAⅠ级,随机分为氧化亚氮、尼卡地平、氟哌啶和对照组,每组6例。患者术前心、肺功能正常,无明显高血压史。

    麻醉与用药 术前30分钟常规肌注苯巴比妥钠0.1g、东莨菪碱0.3mg、哌替啶50mg。入室后建立静脉通路进行补液(5~7ml/kg)。30分钟后采用异丙酚2mg/kg、芬太尼2μg/kg、阿曲库铵0.25mg/kg和琥珀胆碱1mg/kg麻醉诱导。气管插管后接Ohmeda麻醉机行机械通气,维持呼气末地氟醚浓度为4%,持续30分钟,记录MAP和HR作为对照值,然后对照组在1分钟内使呼气末浓度达到8%,维持10分钟。实验组则在快速增加呼气末浓度前给予尼卡地平10μg/kg或氟哌啶0.07mg/kg,或吸入50%氧化亚氮,整个实验过程中通气流量均为每分钟2L。
, 百拇医药
    检测指标 分别于麻醉前、吸入4%地氟醚30分钟及快速增加到8%后的10分钟内,记录MAP和HR的变化。

    统计分析 所有数据用±s表示,统计分析采用t检验,P<0.05为差异有显著意义。



    图1 实验过程中各组MAP的变化
, 百拇医药
    图2 实验过程中各组HR的变化

    表1 实验中各组HR和MAP变化











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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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    修回:1999-05-31, 百拇医药