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http://www.100md.com 2008年3月1日 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2008年第3期
     7 Yoshimoto K, Kato B, Sakai K, et al. Electroacupuncture Stimulation Suppresses the Increase in Alcohol Drinking Behavior in Restricted Rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2001, 25(6): 63-68.

    8 崔彩莲,吴鎏桢,韩济生. 电针抑制阿片依赖的研究进展. 中国药物依赖性杂志,2006,15(3):226-229.

    9 Kim JH, Chung JY, Kwon YK. Acupuncture Reduces Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and cFos Expression in Rat Brain. Am J Chin Med, 2005, 33(6): 887-96.

    10 Yoon SS, Kwon YK, Kim MR, et al. Acupuncturemediated inhibition of ethanol induced dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens through the GABAB receptor. Neurosci Lett, 2004, 369: 234-238.

    11 Turchan J, Przewlocka B, Toth G. The effect of repeated adminstration of morphine, cocaine and ethanol on mu and delta opioid receptor density in the nucleus accumbens and striatum of the rat.Neurosci, 1999, 91(3):971-977.

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