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http://www.100md.com 2010年5月1日 《中国学校卫生》 2010年第5期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨武汉市中心城区中小学生颈椎病相关症状的流行病学现状,为制定青少年颈椎病预防干预措施提供科学依据。

    方法 采用整群分层抽样法,随机抽取武汉市26所中小学校,每年级抽取1个班,共抽取学生5198名。通过发放宣传单、专业知识讲解和问卷调查等途径进行颈椎病相关症状调查。

    结果 在4681名中小学生中,发现伴有颈椎病相关症状者2748例,占58.7%。其中经常头痛头胀、失眠多梦或记忆力下降、眼肌疲劳或复视或视力下降者达45.0%以上;颈椎健康检查异常者中,伴有颈椎病相关症状者占97.2%。小学、初中和高中学生颈椎病相关症状发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),且随学生年龄的增长而增高,在毕业或临近毕业阶段达到阶段峰值。中学阶段女生相关症状发生率明显高于男生,颈椎颈项部异常是学生发生相关症状的主要原因。

    结论 武汉中心城区中小学生颈椎生理健康状况令人担忧,应引起高度重视和广泛关注。
, 百拇医药
    【关键词】 颈椎病;体征和症状;患病率;学生;城市

    【中图分类号】 R 681.531 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000-9817(2010)05-0587-02

    Epidemiological Investigation of Cervical Spondylosis-related Symptoms Among Students of the Primary and Secondary Schools in Urban Wuhan/HU Yong-feng*, CUI Li-jin, XIAO Hai-xia, et al. * Xinzhou District Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Wuhan(430400), China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the epidemiological situation of cervical spondylosis-related symptoms among the primary and secondary schools in urban Wuhan, and to provide a scientific bases for the prevention and intervention. Methods By means of cluster stratified sampling, 26 primary and secondary schools were randomly selected, one class was chosen from each grade. The investigation of cervical spondylosis-related symptoms was conducted among 5 198 students by issuing leaflets, explain professional knowledge and questionnaire survey. Results Among 4 681 primary and secondary students, 2 748 cases with cervical spondylosis-related symptoms, accounted for 58.7%. Among them, often stretching headache, insomnia and more dreams, or memory decline, ocular fatigue, or double vision or decreased vision were more than up to 45.0%. Among the cervical abnormalities accompanied by cervical spondylosis-related symptoms accounted for 97.2%. The prevalence of cervical spondylosis-related symptoms between the two groups was significantly significant(P<0.01), and the growth with increased age of the pupils at the graduation stage or the stage reached in the peak near the graduation phase. In the secondary school, the relevant symptoms of the girls were significantly higher than which of boys. Cervical neck abnormalities was the main reason for students with associated symptoms. Conclusion Primary and junior cervical physical health in urban Wuhan should arouse a high degree of attention and widespread concern.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Cervical spondylosis;Signs and symptoms;Prevalence;Students;Cities

    颈椎病(Cervical Spondylosis)是由颈椎椎间盘组织退行性改变及其继发性病理改变累及周围组织结构(肌肉、神经根、脊髓、椎动脉、交感神经等),并出现相应临床表现的一种疾病[1],又称颈部综合征(Cervical Syndrome)、颈椎综合征( Cervical Spine Syndrome)[2]。随着社会进步和科技发展,人类在生活、学习、劳动方式上的改变,屈颈频率的增加等,颈椎病发病率较前有明显的提高,已成为影响青、中、老年人的常见病、多发病[3]。为了解武汉地区青少年(包括少数民族)颈椎病相关症状流行现状,分析其流行趋势及危害程度,为制定青少年颈椎病预防干预措施提供科学依据,笔者于2006年9月-2007年6月对武汉市7个中心城区26所中小学校不同年龄阶段在校学生进行了颈椎病相关症状流行病学抽样调查,现报道如下。
, http://www.100md.com
    1 对象与方法

    1.1 对象 采用整群分层抽样法,随机抽取武汉市中心城区8所小学、9所初中和9所高中在校学生,每年级抽取1个班,共调查学生5198人。收回有效问卷4681份。其中男生2317人,女生2364人;小学1877人,初中1412人,高中1392人。年龄为6~18岁。

    1.2 方法 发放颈椎病防治相关知识宣传单及自行设计的“青少年颈椎病相关症状流行病学抽样调查问卷”。参照国家中医药管理局《中医病证诊断疗效标准》和1992年第二届颈椎病专题座谈会制订的颈椎病诊断标准所涉及相关症状[1,4]自行拟定问卷,内容包括头痛头胀、头昏头沉、失眠多梦(记忆力下降)、眩晕、猝倒(昏倒)、耳鸣、眼肌疲劳(复视/视力下降)、颈肩酸痛、上肢疼痛、手麻或上肢乏力、心悸(心慌)、胸闷等。由经统一培训的课题组临床和公共卫生专业医师为调查员,对学生进行深入讲解颈椎病知识、本课题实施细则和调查问卷详细填写方法。调查问卷让学生带回家,与家长协同逐项填写,由教师督促3 d内收回。, 百拇医药(胡永峰,崔立津,肖海霞,王启发,袁 烽,周国运)
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