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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月1日 蒋 艳 程雪君


     【摘要】目的 经前期紧张综合征是常见的妇科疾病之一,是影响女性健康和生活质量的重要因素之一。经前期紧张综合(Premenstrual Syndrome,PMS)是指妇女反复在晚黄体期周期性出现的一系列生理和情感方面的不适症状,并在卵泡期缓解,月经来潮后l~2天症状自然消失。主要表现有烦躁易怒、失眠、紧张、压抑以及头痛、乳房胀痛等,严重的PMS均有精神症状,其中焦虑症状居多,该组患者因为有自杀意识,故对生命有潜在的威胁。本课题研究探讨经前期紧张综合征致病因素,进行心理干预,并结合药物治疗,从而减轻经前期紧张综合征患者的症状,重新控制生活,提高生活质量,确保家庭和谐,对女性健康和社会安定具有十分重要的意义。要求 通过在我院张贴广告招募志愿者的方法选择年龄在18~45岁,月经规律(周期22~35 d),身体基本健康的妇女。所有入选者填写健康档案,内容包括姓名、年龄、职业、文化程度、性格、人际交往、自信程度、工作压力等。方法 根据所有受试者记录3个月症状日记及基础体温进行评分。根据症状的严重程度分为轻、中、重度。结果 根据研究发现,不同年龄、不同职业、不同性格经前期紧张综合症症状存在明显差异,根据不同病因,对其进行个性化指导和心理咨询,并配合药物治疗,解除精神和身体负担,提高生活质量,确保家庭和谐。

    【关键词】经前期紧张综合症 影响因素 干预措施


    【Abstract】Objective premenstrual tension syndrome is a common gynecological diseases, is one of affecting women's health and quality of life an important factor. Premenstrual tension Composite (Premenstrual Syndrome, PMS) refers to the woman repeatedly in the late luteal phase of periodic series of physical and emotional symptoms, and the follicular phase mitigation, menstrual cramps after the l ~ 2 Tian symptoms disappear naturally. Main manifestations irritability irritability, insomnia, nervousness, depression and headache, breast tenderness, and so on, have the spirit of serious PMS symptoms, anxiety symptoms which are mostly this group of patients who have suicidal awareness, and therefore a potential threat to life. Of this study was to investigate the subject premenstrual tension syndrome, risk factors, and psychological intervention, combined with drug therapy, thereby reducing premenstrual tension syndrome symptoms, to regain control of life and improve the quality of life, to ensure family harmony, to women's health and the social stability is of great significance. AskedBy the placement of advertisements in our hospital choice of methods to recruit volunteers aged 18 to 45 years old, menstrual patterns (cycle 22 ~ 35 d), the body of basic health of women. All selected applicants to fill out health files, including name, age, occupation, education, personality, interpersonal relationships, self-confidence, work pressure.Methods According to records of all subjects 3 months symptom diary and the basal body temperature to rate. According to the severity of the symptoms were divided into mild, moderate and severe ......
