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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月1日 李建莉 李冬梅 刘晓霞


     【摘要】目的 通过比较呼和浩特市2008-2010年饭店等盈利性餐饮单位与大中专院校餐饮单位餐具的卫生状况,了解餐饮业餐具卫生存在的问题,评价饭店等盈利性餐饮单位与大中专院校餐饮单位餐具卫生在消毒、管理等各个方面上的差异,为进一步管理规范餐饮业餐饮具卫生,制定更有益于人群健康的卫生标准提供依据。方法 对餐厅的碗、盘、杯等餐饮具采用GB/14934-1994国标方法中的纸片法测定大肠菌群,以此评价各餐饮单位餐饮具卫生的合格情况,并进行统计学的分析。结果 通过对两类餐饮单位餐饮具卫生情况的分别分析可看出:2008-2010年饭店等盈利性的餐饮单位餐饮具卫生合格率相对较低,大中专院校餐饮单位餐饮具卫生合格率相对较高,均达到了80%以上。两类餐饮单位餐饮具卫生情况相互比较后进行统计学分析可看出2009年饭店等餐饮单位与大中专院校餐饮单位餐饮具在卫生情况上存在差异,而2008年及2010年餐饮具卫生合格情况无统计学意义,说明2008及2010对饭店等盈利性餐饮单位及学校等餐饮单位餐饮具的消毒方法得当,管理好,各有关单位重视程度较高,餐饮具卫生状况总体较好,但管理易疏忽,卫生情况易出现反复;而2009年两类餐饮单位卫生情况存在差别,学校餐饮单位餐具卫生情况优于饭店等盈利性餐饮单位,学校管理较严格规范,有关部门重视程度较高。

    【关键词】公共场所 盈利性餐饮单位 大中专院校餐饮单位 餐具卫生合格率

    中图分类号:R126.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-0515(2011)3-348-02

    【Abstract】Objective By comparing 2008-2010 hotel Hohhot as with colleges and universities nonprofit catering units of tableware health food unit, understand the problems existing in the restaurant industry tableware health evaluation restaurants etc with colleges and universities nonprofit catering units in disinfection tableware health food unit, management differences, to further standardize management catering tableware, formulate more beneficial health crowd healthy health care standards provide basis. Methods: the restaurant bowl, plate, cup, etc by GB / 14934 tableware of the paper in 1993-94 GB methods determination of coliform group to evaluate the catering units tableware health, and the qualified statistical analysis. Results: of two kinds of catering units by the hygiene of tableware can see: respectively analysis2008 -- 2010 hotel catering units such as tableware of profitability hygiene rate less stable, colleges and universities catering units tableware hygiene rate is relatively high and more stable, have reached more than 80%. Two kinds of catering units tableware health conditions after compare the statistical analysis can see 2009 restaurants etc. Catering units and colleges and universities catering units tableware differences in health conditions, and in 2008 and 2010 tableware health qualified situation was statistically significant, explain in 2008 and 2010 such nonprofit catering units and hotel school and other catering units of tableware sterilization method is proper, manage, all relevant unit value degree is higher, tableware health condition overall progress, but management easy negligence, the health situation; easy appear repeatedly But 2009 two kinds of catering units health situation exists difference, schools catering units tableware health better than restaurants etc ......
