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http://www.100md.com 2010年4月15日


     【中图分类号】R197【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1005-2720(2010)11 - 09 - 03



    Retrospect of Women and Children Health Reform in Past 30 Years in Dazhou Prefecture

    Wang Geng-zhang

    (Sichuan Province Dazhou Prefecture Women & Children Health Institute Dazhou Sichuan 635000)

    【Abstract】30 years of health reform results in a prospering women and children health reform. In the past,Dazhou Prefecture of Sichuan Province had awkward basic conditions for women and children health, underdeveloped services and techniques and consequently a low level of women and children health. However,Dazhou Prefecture counted on and utilized governmental policies and inputs and made brave experiments and practices. In the experimental phase of the reform,organizations were recovered; training of medical personnel and health education were carried out; services were extended and the market was expanded. In the deepening phase of the reform,laws and administrative regulations were implemented;“baby-friendly hospitals” and hierarchical women and children health institutes were created; women and children health cooperative projects were seriously carried out. In the transition and adjustment phase of the reform, the construction of the public women and children health system was enhanced; the scope of services was enlarged in the combination of new rural cooperative medical treatment and urban community medical services. The reform has brought rapid progress of the women and children health cause and relevant successful experiences, of which we must make careful summarization and retrospect.

    【Key words】Women and children health;30 years of reform


    1 初期状况

    1.1 妇幼卫生的基础条件薄弱达州市位于四川省东北部,大巴山南麓。地理位置以山区为主,部分为丘陵。海拔500~3000米,幅员面积3.1万平方公里。置四川省达县地区时,辖13个县(市)区,940万人口;1993年撤地区置地级市后,辖7个县(市)区,650万人口。属于川陕革命根据地区之一。交通不便,以农业人口为主,经济欠发达。1988年全地区人均占有卫生事业费1.88元,人均占有妇幼保健费0.09元。加之山区农民受教育率较低,“多子多福”的生育观,使得计划生育外孕者居多。

    1.2 妇幼卫生的服务技术落后1988年全地区13个县市(区)妇幼保健站,平均每千名妇女儿童占有病床0 ......
