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http://www.100md.com 2017年7月2日 《医学信息》 2017年第26期
     摘要:目的 探究高强度聚焦超声联合GnRH-a治疗子宫腺肌病的疗效。方法 选择我院56例子宫腺肌病患者作为研究对象,按治疗方式的不同将其分成对照组和治疗组,每组28例。对照组患者采用GnRH-a治疗,治疗组患者采用高强度聚焦超声联合GnRH-a治疗,比较两组患者治疗前后的月经量、痛经视觉模拟评分(VAS)、癌抗原、病灶体积、血红蛋白水平、子宫肌瘤大小等变化情况。结果 两组患者的月经量、痛经视觉模拟评分、癌抗原、病灶体积、血红蛋白水平、子宫肌瘤大小在治疗前无明显差异(P>0.05);采取相应的治疗措施后,治疗组患者的月经量、病灶体积、痛经视觉模拟评分、子宫肌瘤大小均明显小于对照组,治疗组患者的血红蛋白水平明显大于对照组,两组对比差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 采用高强度聚焦超声联合GnRH-a对子宫腺肌病患者进行治疗,不仅能缩小病灶体积和子宫肌瘤大小,并且还能有效改善患者的痛经症状和提升其机体的血红蛋白水平。


, 百拇医药     中图分类号:R711.71;R445.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)26-0170-03

    Abstract:Objective To explore the curative effect of high intensity focused ultrasound combined with GnRH-a in the treatment of adenomyosis. Methods In our hospital 56 cases of adenomyosis patients as the research object,according to the different treatment,divided into control group and treatment group,28 cases in each group.The control group was treated with GnRH-a therapy,the treatment group were treated by high intensity focused ultrasound combined with GnRH-a treatment,menstrual volume of two groups were compared before and after treatment,dysmenorrhea,visual analogue scale(VAS),cancer antigen,tumor volume,hemoglobin levels,changes in the size of uterine fibroids.Results Menstruation of the two groups of patients, pain visual analogue scale,cancer antigen,tumor volume,hemoglobin levels,no significant difference in the size of uterine fibroids before treatment(P> 0.05);take corresponding treatment measures after menstruation,treatment group patients with dysmenorrhea lesion volume,visual analogue scale,the size of uterine fibroids were significantly less than the control group,the level of hemoglobin of patients in the treatment group higher than the control group, significant differences between two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion High intensity focused ultrasound combined with GnRH-a in the treatment of adenomyosis patients can not only reduce the volume of the lesions and the size of uterine fibroids,but also can effectively improve the dysmenorrhea symptoms and enhance the hemoglobin level of the patients.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:High intensity focused ultrasound;GnRH-a;Adenomyosis




    选取我院自2016年2月~2017年2月收治的56例子宫腺肌病患者作为研究对象,患者均符合子宫腺肌病症临床诊断标准,治疗前患者均签署知情同意书,所有程序经过医院伦理委员会审核,按治疗方式的不同将其分成对照组和治疗组,每组28例,对照组患者年龄26~47岁,平均年龄(42.4±1.7)岁;治疗组患者年龄24~48岁,平均年龄(43.2±1.5)岁。两组患者的病灶特点、肌瘤大小无显著差异(P>0.05)。, http://www.100md.com(周玉珍)
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