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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月19日 《医学信息》 2018年第7期
     摘 要:目的 探讨开紫金锁联合针刀治疗腰肌劳损的临床效果,评价其在改善临床症状方面的作用。方法 选取2016年3月~2017年12月入院接受治疗的LMS患者84例,采用随机抽签法将患者均分为对照组和观察组,对照组单实施针刀治疗,观察组实施针刀联合开紫金锁治疗,记录两组治疗前后腰部活动障碍、压痛、酸胀、叩击痛、畏寒和放射痛方面评分情况。结果 两组治疗后在活动障碍、压痛、酸胀、叩击痛、畏寒和放射痛6项临床症状方面评分均获得明显下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且观察组下降幅度明显大于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。結论 开紫金锁联合针刀可有效改善患者腰部活动障碍,消除肿胀,缓解疼痛,临床效果较好,值得应用。


    中图分类号:R246.9 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.07.050

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    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Lumbar Muscle Strain with Zijin Lock and Acupuncture Knife

    FENG Xiao-dong1,SHI Qiao-li1,HAO Tian-liang1,GUO Ya-wei1,SU Zhi1,NIE Lin-yang1,LIU Wen2,QUAN Dong1

    (1.Department of Orthopaedics,518 PLA Hospital,Xi'an 710043,Shaanxi,China;

    2.Department of Medical Sciences,Stomatology Hospital,Air Force military Medical University,Xi'an 710032,Shaanxi,China)
, 百拇医药
    Abstract:Objective To study the clinical effect of Zijin lock combined with acupuncture knife in the treatment of lumbar muscle strain and evaluate its role in improving clinical symptoms.Methods 84 LMS patients admitted to hospital from March 2016 to December 2017 were randomly divided into control group and observation group.The control group was treated with acupuncture knife alone,while the observation group was treated with acupuncture knife combined with Zijin lock.The scores of lumbar dyskinesia, tenderness,acid distension,percussion pain,chills and radiation pain were recorded before and after treatment.Results After treatment, the scores of 6 clinical symptoms of dyskinesia,tenderness,acid distension,percussion pain,chills and radiation pain in the two groups were significantly decreased,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05),and the decrease in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The combination of Zijin lock and acupuncture knife can effectively improve the lumbar movement disorder,eliminate swelling and relieve pain,and the clinical effect is good and worthy of application.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words:Lumbar muscle strain;Zijin lock;Acupuncture knife

    腰肌劳损(lumbar muscle strain,LMS)又名功能性腰痛,是患者长期超负荷劳作、腰部活动不当、或腰部组织急性损伤治疗不当等引起的积累性损伤,病变部位主要为腰部肌肉、筋膜及韧带等组织,患者常表现为腰背及下肢出现反复发作性疼痛[1]。此类疾病在成年人中发病率较高。在中医中归属与“腰痛”“痹症”范畴,中医病理为肝肾脾亏虚为内因;因劳伤、风寒湿邪侵袭而导致气滞血瘀、经络受阻为外因[1]。目前多采用针灸、中药塌渍、推拿等方案,疗效不一,且症状易反复[2]。近年,临床工作者应用针刀治疗腰肌劳损,发现可显著提高治愈率,减少复发率,且安全性高[3]。而开紫金锁可加速血液流动,改善血液流动性,使血液恢复良性循环。因此本研究就开紫金锁与针刀联合应用治疗LMS的临床效果进行观察,现将结果报告如下。, 百拇医药(冯晓东 师巧莉 郝天亮 郭亚维 苏志 聂林洋 刘雯 权冬)
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