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http://www.100md.com 2019年2月26日 《医学信息》 2019年第8期
     摘要:目的 评价硫酸亚铁片与琥珀酸亚铁片治疗缺铁性贫血的临床有效性。方法 利用计算机对文献进行检索,所用数据库包括中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库(Wan Fang Data)和维普数据库(VIP),英文数据库Pubmed和Embase。纳入硫酸亚铁片与琥珀酸亚铁片治疗缺铁性贫血的随机对照试验文献,数据由两名评价员进行分别独立提取纳入文献,并对文献质量进行评价,使用RevMan5.0软件对纳入文献进行统计分析,评价二者临床有效性。结果 纳入研究有15篇文献,文章无明显发表偏倚;从随即对照文献的质量评价结果可知,Meta分析稳定、可靠;琥珀酸亚铁组的有效率高于硫酸亚铁组(RR:1.22,95% CI:1.13~1.32:P<0.00001)。结论 综合分析两种药物治疗缺铁性贫血的临床有效性,表明琥珀酸亚铁片在治疗缺铁性贫血方面较硫酸亚铁片更有效;但在未来研究中应克服相应的方法学缺陷。

, 百拇医药
    中图分类号:R714.254 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.08.027


    Abstract:Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of ferrous sulfate tablets and ferrous succinate tablets in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Methods The literature was searched by computer. The databases used included China Journal Full-text Database (CNKI), Wanfang Data and VIP Database (VIP), and English databases Pubmed and Embase. A randomized controlled trial of ferrous sulfate tablets and ferrous succinate tablets for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia was performed. The data were independently extracted by two reviewers and included in the literature. The quality of the literature was evaluated and included in the literature using RevMan 5.0 software. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the two. Results There were 15 articles in the study, and there was no significant publication bias. The results of the quality evaluation of the randomized controlled literature showed that the meta-analysis was stable and reliable; the ferrous succinate group was more efficient than the ferrous sulfate group (RR: 1.22, 95). % CI: 1.13 to 1.32: P<0.00001). Conclusion The clinical efficacy of two drugs in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is comprehensively analyzed, indicating that ferrous succinate tablets are more effective in treating iron deficiency anemia than ferrous sulfate tablets; however, the corresponding methodological defects should be overcome in future research.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Iron deficiency anemia;Ferrous sulfate tablets;Ferrous succinate tablets; Effectiveness;Meta-analysis

    缺鐵性贫血(iron-deficiency anemia,IDA)是一种常见营养缺血性疾病,主要发病人群有妊娠期妇女、儿童、老人等。人体生成红细胞时需要铁元素[1],而患者体内铁元素缺乏、难以满足体内正常铁代谢需求,最终影响体内红细胞血红蛋白合成[2]。目前常用于抗缺铁性贫血的方法主要有食品强化、口服补铁与注射补铁等方式[3],临床上治疗缺铁性贫血的药物品种有很多,但存在治疗效果不佳、不良反应多且同品种药物质量差异较大。从患者角度出发,考虑价格便宜、方便服用、易吸收等特点,临床上多采用口服补铁的方式,其中较常使用的是硫酸亚铁片、琥珀酸亚铁片等简单亚铁盐形式的口服补铁剂[4]。2016年,国家食品药品监督管理总局发布关于落实《国务院办公厅关于开展仿制药质量和疗效一致性评价的意见》有关事项的公告(2016年第106号),要求仿制药企业于2018年底前完成仿制药一致性评价,其中包括硫酸亚铁片、与琥珀酸亚铁片两种治疗缺铁性贫血常用药物。目前,学者研究多为二者的临床应用对比,包括有效性及安全性,本文对两种药物在我国历年治疗缺铁性贫血临床应用研究进行分析,旨在为临床医生对于缺铁性贫血用药提供参考。, 百拇医药(陈李平 杨雅清 黄润青 李劲 王丽 李璠)
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