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http://www.100md.com 2010年12月15日 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第35期

    关键词:过期药品 回收处理制度

    Should establish the unified expired drugs recycling processing system

    Cui Shufen Liu Xueju

    Abstract:And goes see a doctor the medication condition improvement along with the people living standard enhancement, many families have the surplus drugs, gradually, many drugs expired expiration.These expired expiration drugs, some in family medium and long-term depositing, some are treated as the general garbage disposal, some by the unlawful element recycling use, individually the personnel who did not understand to the drugs effective date also is even had the possibility to use the expired expiration drugs.These situations, have formed the medication security hidden danger, even if treats as the general garbage disposal, also can become the environment source of pollution.Therefore carries on an important work to the expired expiration drugs which the unification recycling, unification processing are must complete. ......

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