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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月15日 《现代医药卫生》 2007年第16期


    文章编号:1009-5519(2007)16-2394-02 中图分类号:R81 文献标识码:A

    Intradutal papilloma of the breast:Comparison of clinical mammographic and pathologic findings
, 百拇医药
    LIU Zheng-min,CHEN Liu-bin,GONG Shui-gen,et al.

    (Department of Radiology, Daping Hospital Research Institute of Surgery,Third Miliary Medical University,Chongqing 400042,China)

    【Abstract】Objective: To determine the mammographic findings of the intraduct papilloma of the breast,and to correlate these findings with the clinical and pathological feaeures. Methods: We had retrospectively analysed manifestations of mammograms, galactograms and pathological findings in 80 cases, According to the size and shape of the lesion and the relationship between duct and lesion,the papilloma was typed on the galactograms,Mammographie manifestations were compared with pathologic findings. Results:All of the patients had nipple discharge, 52cases were bloodstained and six patients had palpable masses in subareola.The masses were found in 10 cases and one dilated duct in subareolar region on mammograms,Galactograms showed introluminal filling defect in all patients;ductal dilation in 18 cases,There was intraduct type in 56 cases, intracyst type in 18 cases and solid type in 6 cases.The mammographic findings were in conformity with their pathology.Conclusion:Most patients with intraductal papilloma of the breast have nipple discharge and galactographic filling defect, Galactograhy is usefal for diagnosing papilloma, while few could be found in mammogram imaging.
, http://www.100md.com
    【Key words】Papilloma;Galactography;Filling defect


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 临床资料:本组80例,年龄16~70岁,平均43岁。16~19岁2例,20~39岁38例,40~49岁32例,50~59岁4例,60~70岁4例。78例为单侧单个乳孔溢液,仅1例为双侧多个乳孔溢液,血性52例,浆液性28例。病程1天~13年。查体:12例于乳晕区触及肿块,质硬,边缘清楚,2例有压痛。80例双侧腋窝均未触及肿大淋巴结。手术切除标本送病理检查。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 X线资料:用意大利Giotto乳腺钼靶X线机。80例均摄双侧乳房轴斜位像及经溢液乳孔注入造影剂,行乳腺导管造影。乳管造影方法:无菌操作,轻压乳晕周围,使溢液流出,用平头针插入溢液乳管,注入造影剂300 mg/ml优维显至乳管开口流出造影剂停止。并摄轴斜位片。Kodak 2000型乳腺专用胶片及Kadak单面增感屏暗盒。所摄乳腺片均经3位医师观察分析。

    2 结果

    2.1 乳腺钼靶X线平片表现:乳晕下区肿块12例,左侧6例,大小为1 cm×1 cm×1.5 cm~1.2 cm×1.5 cm×1.5 cm, 密度均匀, 未见钙化, 前者边缘不清, 后者边缘清楚。右侧6例,均1.5 cm×2.0 cm,密度均匀,边缘清楚。

    2.2 导管造影表现:80例均表现为充盈缺损。弧立充盈缺损56例,最大1.5 cm×2.0 cm,形态不规则,密度不均;余直径在1cm以内,为圆形、条状或米粒状。多发性24例,为大小不等充盈缺损,其直径在5 mm以内。病变距乳头基底部0.5~5 cm, 平均约2.5 cm。
, 百拇医药
    导管不同形态及程度扩张80例,管状扩张50例,其中病变近侧(近乳头)导管扩张42例,直径0.4~0.6 cm, 远侧4例,直径0.5 cm,近远侧导管均有扩张2例,直径为0.2~0.5 cm;囊状扩张26例,最大1.5 cm×2.0 cm,最小1.0 cm×0.8 cm,混合型扩张2例,既有管状扩张又有囊状扩张。

    根据病变大小、形态与病变处管腔形态及两者关系,将导管内乳头状瘤分为三型。(1)管内型: 56例,呈管状或伴不同程度的管状扩张,管内充盈缺损呈米粒状,单发或多发,其长轴与管腔长轴一致,与管壁交角呈锐角,与造影剂接触面呈杯口状。(2)囊内型: 18例,扩张呈囊状,囊腔直径1.0~4.5 cm,囊内可见部分充盈缺损,呈米粒状,单发或多发。(3)实体型: 6例,病变处导管扩张呈囊状,其内充盈缺损与囊腔几乎等大。

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