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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月25日 王 剑 郭素华 郑长江 汪小榴 盘晓娟 吴苏宏 罗秀针 黄荔丰 张海艳


     [摘要] 目的:分析医学高职高专护理类专业新教材《病原生物与免疫学》编写的成败得失经验。方法:以三种护理类专业新版《病原生物与免疫学》高职高专教材为分析样本,在近三届学生和教师中开展调查研究,对其结果进行分析、探讨。结果:有100%的教师、93%~97%的学生认为免疫学部分难度太大,内容太多、语言太抽象。89%~96%的师生认为三本教材的知识量都太大或稍大,其中“赵版教材”尤其大。结论:在护理类专业《病原生物与免疫学》高职高专新教材的编写中,应特别注意教材的知识量、编写语言、编写顺序、附录等重要问题,以便使编写出的新教材更符合现实、更便于教学。

    [关键词] 护理类专业;病原生物与免疫学;高职高专;新教材

    [中图分类号] G718.5[文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)11(c)-086-04

    Application research on new teaching material Pathogenic Biology & Immunology about nursing specialities of medical institutions of higher learning

    WANG Jian, GUO Suhua, ZHENG Changjiang, WANG Xiaoliu, PAN Xiaojuan, WU Suhong, LUO Xiuzhen, HUANG Lifeng, ZHANG Haiyan

    (Zhangzhou Healthy Vocational College, Fujian Province, Zhangzhou 363000, China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To study success and failure to write a new teaching material Pathogenic Biology & Immunology about nursing specialities of medical institutions of higher learning. Methods: Used three kinds new teaching materialPathogenic Biology & Immunology about nursing specialities of medical institutions of higher learning as sample book, fact-finding results in recent three years′students and teachers were analysed. Results: 100% of the teachers and 93%-97% of the students thought that immunology part was too hard, numerous and abstract. 89%-96% of the teachers and students thought that knowledge volume of three copies new teaching materials were all too large or a bit too large, and Zhao′s was specially large. Conclusion: Teaching material′s knowledge volume, words of writing, in order to write, appendix and others important things must be specially paid attention when we write a new teaching material Pathogenic Biology & Immunology about nursing specialities of medical institutions of higher learning, so that new teaching material having been written is still more practical and perfect.

    [Key words] Nursing specialities; Pathogenic Biology & Immunology; Institutions of higher learning; New teaching material

    长期以来,我们一直希望有一本可以得心应手的教材。这本教材,应该是既能够反映学科的最新知识与动态,又能够深入浅出地被现在的学生所理解;既做到内容充实丰富,又符合现在高职高专教学时数越来越少的趋势——宜精辟扼要,而不应篇幅过大;宜简明易懂,而不应晦涩曲折。多年来,经过多轮多个范畴的教材修订,不断有不同版本的新教材出版,这些新教材的编写者们为此付出了大量的心血,他们的工作是值得尊重和肯定的,但无庸讳言,目前十分令人满意的新教材还真不多。以护理类专业《病原生物与免疫学》高职高专教材为例,近两年中,我们所用过的三本新教材,都不是十分令人满意,而现实的情况是:近年来,国内大学教育的形势已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,并且已经造成了这样一种局面——学生只要愿意上学就有学可上 ......
