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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月5日 刘继前 李光宗 尚宪荣 曹建春 金潇 曹刚 黄强 王吉亭 郑硕 李鹏 张凡帆 安


     [摘要] 笔者通过对颈动脉体瘤病因、临床特征的总结及临床观察,探讨中西医结合治疗该病的有效途径。西医予行颈动脉体瘤切除术,术中注意保护颈内动脉、颅神经及其分支,避免周围组织损伤;中医围术期应用健脾益气、化痰通络散结合中药干预治疗,以降低术中风险,减少术后并发症,并对患者进行3个月的随访观察。本研究患者术后无偏瘫失语、面瘫、声音嘶哑等表现,随访3个月近期疗效良好。综上所述,中西医结合治疗颈动脉体瘤可以提高手术疗效,减少并发症发生。

    [关键词] 颈动脉体瘤;中西医结合;围术期

    [中图分类号] R739.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(a)-123-03

    Curative effect observation on combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the treatment of carotid body tumor

    LIU Jiqian, LI Guangzong*, SHANG Xianrong, CAO Jianchun, JIN Xiao, CAO Gang, HUANG Qiang, WANG Jiting, ZHENG Shuo, LI Peng, ZHANG Fanfan, An Liyun, GU Hancheng

    Department of Vascular Surgery, Dongfang Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China

    [Abstract] According to summarizing etiology, clinical characteristics of carotid body tumor, the authors try to find an effective way to treat carotid body tumor by combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment. Patients are given carotid body tumor resection in Western medicine treatment, intraoperative care to protect the carotid artery, cranial nerve and its branches, to avoid injury of surrounding tissue; the authors try to reduce the risk of surgery, postoperative complications by Chinese medicine intervention such as invigorating spleen and replenishing qi, eliminating phlegm and freeing channels in perioperative period in order to reduce the risk and complication, and follow up and observe the clinical effect of patients in 3 mouths. After surgery, patients had good effect with followed up for 3 months without hemiplegia aphasia, facial paralysis, hoarseness and other symptoms. From the above, combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment in the treatment of carotid body tumor can improve the surgery efficacy and reduce the complications.

    [Key words] Carotid body tumor; Combined traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine; Perioperative

    颈动脉体瘤(carotid body tumor,CBT)是化学感受器肿瘤,其发病率不高,临床少见,多数患者无症状,仅见颈部肿块,生长速度慢,伴有有压迫、咽部异物感。由于此病不多见,因此易发生误诊。我科应用中西医结合方法治疗颈动脉体瘤,取得了满意疗效,现结合病例报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 临床资料

    患者,女,54岁,吉林白山人,5年前右侧颈部颌下区发现无痛性包块,大小约4.0 cm×5.0 cm,无不适感,给予抗感染等治疗,包块无缩小,因无不适感未予处理。6个月前患者自觉右侧颈部颌下区肿胀不适,咽部自觉异物感,无呛咳,无声音嘶哑等症状,曾前往多家医院诊治均未明确诊断。3个月前在当地三甲医院,全麻下行手术治疗,术中因肿物出血过多而终止手术。2周前在北京某医学院附属医院神经外科,通过CT、B超等检查考虑为颈动脉体瘤,后来我科就诊。查体:患者神清,痛苦面容,精神郁闷紧张,面色萎黄,食欲不振,右颈颈部颌下区、胸锁乳突肌前缘可见一长约5 cm横向手术瘢痕,皮肤隆起,局部无红肿热痛,可触及6 cm×5 cm×5 cm大小的包块,可闻及血管杂音,触及明显动脉搏动感,根部较深,质地较硬,边界尚清楚,张口正常,舌质淡,苔白而厚腻,脉细数而弦滑,以“瘿瘤”、“右颈部包块(颈动脉体瘤)”收入我科。局部彩色多普勒B超提示:右侧颈总动脉分叉处周围可见6 cm×4 cm×4 cm大小肿物 ......
