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http://www.100md.com 2011年11月25日 薛白云 毛可珍


     [摘要] 目的:对手术室外来器械进行规范化管理,以提高手术室外来器械的清洗、灭菌质量,降低手术感染风险。方法:将外来手术器械统一到医院的消毒供应中心进行专业化清洗、打包、灭菌后再送至手术室无菌储物间备用,经护士及医生检验后方可使用。结果:对比实施规范化管理前后各290包外来器械的卫生及手术感染情况显示,实施规范化管理前,外来器械包合格率为76.9%,手术室因外来器械不合格而导致手术延误率为5.2%;规范化管理后,外来器械包合格率为100%,未出现因外来器械不合格而致手术延误的事例。结论:对手术室外来器械进行规范化统一管理,能使手术器械的卫生及质量状况明显改善,确保手术按时进行并降低手术感染率。

    [关键词] 外来器械;管理;清洗;灭菌;感染

    [中图分类号] R197.323 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2011)11(c)-157-02

    Evaluation of standardized management of external equipment in operating room

    XUE Baiyun, MAO Kezhen

    The People's hospital of Yingtan City in Jiangxi Province, Yingtan 335000, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To proceed standardized management of external equipment, in order to improve the wash and sterilization quality of external surgical equipment, and reduce the infection risk of operating room. Methods: All the external surgical instruments unities were sent to the sterilization center of the hospital, and were professionally cleaned, packed and sterilized, which were examined by nurses and doctors when they used. Results: The comparative analysis of 290 cases before and after the standardized management implement showed that the qualification rate of external surgical equipment packages was 76.9% before the standardized management implement, which was 100% after the implement. The surgeon delay rate resulting from unqualified external surgical equipment was 5.2% before the standardized management implement, after the standardized management implement there was no surgeon delay case. Conclusion: The standardized management significantly improves the sanity and quality of external surgical equipment, ensures the operation to be on time and reduces surgical infection.

    [Key words] External surgical equipment; Management; Clean; Sterilization; Infection

    手术室外来器械的使用是医院节省器械成本的一种常用手段,对一些不常用、更新换代快、价格比较昂贵的器械医院常采用租用的形式,由经销商提供[1],这些医疗器械就是手术室外来器械,如人工关节及安装工具系列,脊柱固定器械及安装工具等。这类器械在各医院间流动,其卫生及质量均由供应商自行管理,由于供应商业务员的不规范操作及运输中手术包破损等原因,外来手术器械的卫生及质量无法得到保障,增加了手术感染的风险[2-3],因此,对这类器械进行规范化管理具有重要的意义。我院是一所综合性三级甲等医院,共有10个洁净尘流手术间,2006~2010年平均每年有2 860台手术,其中,使用供应厂家固定材料及其配套器械的手术年均600台左右。在2009年以前,我院未对外来器械进行统一规范化管理,时常发现器械有未洗净的污渍等问题,甚至发生了由于该类器械消毒不彻底而引起手术感染的事故。为了提高外来器械卫生质量,消除安全隐患,我院自2009年5月开始对外来手术器械实施规范化统一管理。本文对我院外来器械统一管理的方法及效果进行了调查,以期为其他医院提供参考。现报道如下:

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    2008年12月~2009年5月由供应商将清洗、灭菌后的按合同协议时间送至手术室使用的外来器械包290个 ......
