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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月5日 方蓉 倪桂宝 陈明涛


     3.3 鉴别诊断 ①胸腺瘤:无小血管增生、淋巴细胞层状排列及浆细胞浸润等特点。②浆细胞瘤:淋巴结结构破坏,瘤细胞形态不成熟,不夹杂其他炎症细胞。③血管免疫母细胞性淋巴结病:淋巴结内以血管免疫母细胞为主的各转化阶段的淋巴细胞弥漫浸润,有时有多量浆细胞及嗜酸性粒细胞,细胞间大量树枝状增生的小血管。

    3.4 临床治疗与预后 局限型Castleman病采用手术治疗,一般肿块完整切除后预后良好。多中心型Castleman病目前多采用手术、化疗、放疗及生物治疗等多种方法联合应用[5,6],其中的浆细胞型一般预后不佳,常合并严重感染或有20~30%的病例转化为恶性淋巴瘤、浆细胞瘤及Kaposi肉瘤。


    [1] Castleman NB, Iverso NL, Menendez VP.Localized lymphnode hyperplasia resembling thymoma.Cancer,1956,(4):822-830.

    [2] Zoeteweij JP, Eyes ST, Orenstein JM,et al.Identification and rapid quantification of early and late lytic human herpesvirus 8 infections in single cells by flow cytometric analysis:characterization of an antiherpesvirus agents.J Virol,1999,73(7):5894-5902.

    [3] Du Mu, Diss TC, Liu H, et al, KSH Vand EBV-assiociated germinotropic lymphoproliferative distor. Blood,2002,100(9):3415-3418.

    [4] KimDE, KimHJ, Kim YA, et al. Kaposis sarcoma herpesvirus-associated Castlemans disease with POEMS syndrome. Muscle Nerve,2000,23(3):436-439.

    [5] 张连斌,孙玉鹗.纵隔巨大淋巴结增生症的诊断及外科治疗.中华胸心血管外科杂志,2001,17(1):19-21.

    [6] Seirafi PA, Fergusone Edwards FH. Thoracos copicresetion of Castleman disease: case report and review. Chest,2003,123(1):280-282.
