当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国临床实用医学》 > 2010年第12期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2010年12月1日 王有存 袁改霞 袁 叶


     【摘要】 目的 观察采用经皮穿针内固定结合中医三期辨证治疗老年股骨颈骨折的临床疗效。方法 将82例60岁以上股骨颈骨折患者随机分为内固定加中药组(A组)和单纯内固定组(B组),观察两组疗效。结果 A组术后1年的Harris评分平均(87.98±3.21)分,B组术后1年的Harris评分平均(68.35±4.01)分,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 经皮穿针内固定结合中医三期辨证治疗老年股骨颈骨折不仅可以避免影响骨折愈合及功能恢复的因素,又可减轻长期使用西药的毒副作用,提高老年患者的生活质量。

    【关键词】 老年;股骨颈骨折;经皮穿针内固定;中医三期辨证;临床观察

    Traditional chinese and western medicine treatment of femoral neck fractures in 31 cases oldaged patients

    WANG You-cun,YUAN Gai-xia,YUAN Ye.

    Hejin City Second People’s Hospital, Shanxi 043300,China


    【Abstract】 Objective To observe the use of percutaneous pin fixation for the treatment with TCM three dialectical effect of femoral neck fractures. Methods 82 patients with femoral neck fracture over 60 years old were randomly divided into the fixation and traditional in old aged patients chinese medicine group(A group)and simple internal fixation group(B group), curative effect was observed. Results A 1-year postoperative Harris scores were(87.9 8±3.21)scores, B 1-year postoperation Harris scores were(68.35 ±4.01)scores, cutaneous pinfixation with TCM three two groups had significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Perdialectical


    treatment of femoral neck fracture can be avoided not only affect the fracture healing and functional recovery factor, reduce the long-term use of western medicine side effects, improve the quality of life of elderly patients.

    【Key words】 Aged; Femoral neck fractures; Percutaneous pin fixation; Traditional three dialectical; Clinical observation



    1 临床资料

    1.1 一般资料 收集我院骨科2000~2009年老年股骨颈骨折住院病例82例,其中男47例,女35例,年龄63~89岁。致伤原因:摔伤31例,坠落伤29例,交通伤22例。骨折分类:头下型6例,头颈型8例,经颈型12例,基底型6例。其中左侧38例,右侧44例。82例患者按入院先后顺序以1:1的比例随机分为两组:内固定加口服中药组(A组)41例,男22例,女19例,平均年龄72.1岁;单纯内固定组(B组)41例,男21例,女20例,平均年龄70.5岁。两组中致伤原因、Garden分型、骨折部位分型及年龄的构成比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    1.2 治疗方法 复位固定:入院后先给患者行胫骨结节骨牵引,牵引重量5~8 kg,3 d后行床头X线透视,待肢体短缩纠正后配合手法复位,透视证实复位满意后再进行手术。术前常规给患者肌肉注射哌替啶50~100 mg、苯巴比妥0.1~0.2 g,手术采用局麻,在病床上牵引下进行。以股骨粗隆为中心,术野常规消毒、铺单,用2%的利多卡因做局部浸润麻醉,直达粗隆下骨膜。取2 ......
