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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 20184
     〔摘要〕 湖南省名中医解发良教授认为银屑病总的病机为邪毒袭表,郁而化热,久则耗伤阴血,生风生燥,肌肤失养所致,提倡分期辨治、从肺论治、内外合治,初期以清热凉血,解毒除湿为主,后期治以养血润燥,祛风止痒。解教授根据多年临床经验将银屑病分为风湿血热型、风湿热毒型、热毒血瘀型和血虚风燥型,分别采用清营汤、犀角地黄汤合丹参活血汤、除湿化斑汤、养血润肤汤或除癣1号方口服治疗,创制除癣外洗方外用,临床获满意疗效。

    〔关键词〕 银屑病;内外合治;除癣1号方;除癣外洗方;解发良

    〔中图分类号〕R26;R758.3 〔文献标志码〕B 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2018.04.016

    〔Abstract〕 Professor Xie Faliang, a famous TCM doctor in Hunan province, in his opinion, its pathogenesis of psoriasis is caused by pathogenic toxin attacking superficies, depression transformation into fire, injuried Yin and blood, causing wind and dryness pathogen, undernourished muscles and skin. Treatment based on different stages, lung, principle of combined internal and external treatment was advocated. In preliminary stage, the therapy should focus on clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxification and xeransis. In the late stage, the disease should be treated with nourishing blood and moistening dryness, dispelling wind and arresting itching. According to the clinical experience, the psoriasis could be divided into syndrome of wind-damp and blood heat, syndrome of wind-damp and hot toxin, syndrome of wind-damp and blood stasis, syndrome of boold deficiency and wind dryness. The syndromes were treated with Qingying decoction, Xijiao Dihuang decoction combined with Danshen Huoxue decoction, Chushi Huaban decoction, Yangxue Runfu decoction or No.1 prescription of removing psoriasis, external application prescription for removing psoriasis, which get satisfactory results in clinic.

    〔Keywords〕 psoriasis; principle of combined internal and external treatment; No.1 prescription of removing psoriasis; external prescription for removing psoriasis;XIE Faliang

    銀屑病属于中医学“白疕”“松皮癣”“干癣”的范畴, 银屑病是一种常见并且原因尚未完全明了易反复发作的慢性炎症性皮肤病,具有病程长、顽固难以治愈,以及复发率高的特点[1],具体临床表现为初起红斑丘疹,覆盖鳞屑,部分融合成片,挠破有血痂,渗液,瘙痒剧烈。银屑病病因尚不明确,现代研究认为可能与遗传、感染、免疫等因素有关,西医学认为该病发病机制复杂,免疫功能的异常,炎性细胞因子的释放,导致炎症细胞的浸润,最终产生银屑病的病理状态[2]。银屑病难以根治[3],有如牛皮之韧;同时银屑病容易反复发作,状如牛皮样般皮损肥厚。银屑病难以根治,有皮肤科“不死的癌症”之称。


    1 病因病机

    明·赵宜真《外科集验方·疥癣论》曰:“一曰干癣,搔则出白屑,索然凋枯……”其中包含了现代疾病的银屑病、湿疹、神经性皮炎等。严用和《济生方》载:“古方所谓干癣之类,由风湿毒气与血相搏……”将其病因归结为风湿毒气蕴结肌肤。明·申斗垣《外科启玄》曰:“白壳疮者即癣也,计有四种,曰风癣,杨梅癣,花癣,牛皮癣。皆因毛孔受风湿之邪所生外。”将其病因归因为风湿之邪。《外科大成》记载:“由风邪客于皮肤,血燥不能荣养所致。”历代医家对银屑病病因病机认识由浅入深,既重视外界诱因,同时也意识到脏腑气血在该病发病中的重要作用,可以推测当时的医家对本病的认识已经从宏观聚焦到微观,从整体辨证聚焦到局部辨证。寒湿气血相搏,风湿毒与血相搏,血分燥热等共同作用[4]。解老师认为银屑病发病是因感受邪毒,侵袭肌表,郁而化热,久则耗伤阴血,生风生燥,肌肤失养所致。疾病初期血分郁热,病程日久,阴亏血虚生风生燥是本病的病机关键所在。, 百拇医药(邱四君 马珂 邓静 陈林 刘韵 蔡格 解发良)
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