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http://www.100md.com 2007年5月1日 《中国中西医综合临床杂志》 2007年第5期

    【关键词】髌骨骨折 手法整复 外固定 回顾性探讨

    The skill is whole to reply a Bin bone bone fracture

    Fan ShouhuaPeng JiangxiuDepartment of Orthopaedics,Jiangan People'sHospital,YiBing,SiChuan,644200

    【Abstract】Objective:Study adult Bin bone the treatment of the bone fracture.Method:Skill's ising whole to reply a Bin bone bone fracture is 224.Result:224 sufferer out-patient service with visit for 12~24 months, average 18 months, assess [ 1] according to the curative effect standard, cure 172, amendment 38, don't more 14, the good rate reach to 93%.Conclusion:Bin bone bone fracture, the skill be whole to reply, outside fix, empress period match nurse and treat massage, the body treat to toughen, sufferer instauration good, irrelevant stanza function obstacle, method good, feat expansion.

    【Keywords】Bin bone bone fracture The skill is whole to reply Outside fixReview study

    髌骨骨折是人体最大的子骨 ......

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