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     《临床与病理杂志》 (原刊名《国际病理科学与临床杂志》《国外医学?生理、病理科学与临床分册》,2014年1月起启用现刊名)是由教育部主管、中南大学主办、国内外公开发行的国家级医学学术期刊(月刊,刊号:CN 43-1521/R,ISSN 2095-6959)。大16开,每月28日出版。本刊在保持特色,介绍国内外医学研究领域的新动态、新技术、新经验的基础上,将以“临床与病理”为报道主旨,注重基础与临床相结合,侧重报道专业内基础对临床的指导性和综合实用性,以期服务于广大医学特别是临床医学工作者。本刊主要栏目有:“研究论著”“专家述评”“特色专栏”“临床病例讨论”“综述”等。
     Journal of Clinical and Pathological Research (CN 43-1521/R, ISSN 2095-6959) is a national, peer review journal published monthly by Central South University Press, sponsored by Central South University and openly distributed worldwide. The current name was used from January 2014, with being previously named as Pathology and Clinical Medicine and Foreign Medical Sciences Section of Pathophysiology and Clinical Medicine. Aiming at introducing the cutting-edge findings and practical up-to-date information on medicine internationally, it publishes original articles featuring clinical and pathological studies, focusing on the combination of basic investigation and clinical practice, paying attention to the guidance and practicality of laboratory findings to clinical settings. The goal is to serve the medical workers, especially the clinical ones. Manuscript category includes articles, commentary, featured column, case analysis, review et al.
     Journal of Clinical and Pathological Research is indexed in Statistical Source Journal of Chinese Scientific (Chinese Scientific Core Journal), Chemical Abstracts (CA), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), et al. It was entitled as "Special Scientific Journal of Chinese University" in 2008 and "Outstanding Scientific Journal of Chinese University" in 2010, 2012 by the Science and Technology Division, Ministry of Education.

    ISSN/CN:2095-6959      发行周期:半月刊
