☉ 10582051:鱼腥草注射液对SARS肺部病变的疗效探讨
☉ 10582052:放射性 131 碘治疗甲状腺功能亢进症的全程护理
☉ 10582053:吸入糖皮质激素联合顺尔宁治疗整体气道病的疗效评价
☉ 10582054:10例输液反应分析
☉ 10582055:新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病电解质变化与临床关系分析
☉ 10582056:不同膳食结构对幼年大鼠肥胖基因表达的调控 (基金项目)
☉ 10582057:苯那普利对腹主动脉缩窄大鼠离体心脏功能的影响
☉ 10582058:J钩配合镍钛推簧远中移动上颌磨牙矫治安氏Ⅱ类错 牙合
☉ 10582059:丙种球蛋白治疗小儿全身炎症反应综合征46例临床观察
☉ 10582060:转移抑制基因KAI1 CD82在食道癌、胃癌中的变异和表达
☉ 10582061:深化卫生改革 促进医院发展
☉ 10582062:低钙惊厥合并晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血8例临床分析
☉ 10582063:氧化电位水消毒剂用于大食堂餐厨具消毒效果观察
☉ 10582064:高压氧治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病80例分析
☉ 10582065:Microsoft Access在医院统计中的作用
☉ 10582066:广东中山地区脐血β-地中海贫血3052例基因的初步研究
☉ 10582067:静滴葡萄糖酸钙佐治小儿肺炎顽固性罗音的疗效观察
☉ 10582068:提高急诊急救技术 增强护理道德观念
☉ 10582069:成分输血在肝脏移植术中的应用
☉ 10582070:静注丙种球蛋白对过敏性紫癜预后干扰的观察
☉ 10582071:全麻苏醒期患者的护理
☉ 10582072:苓桂术甘汤治疗胸膜炎后期50例
☉ 10582073:腺病毒载体疫苗免疫途径的研究 (基金项目)
☉ 10582074:腺病毒载体疫苗免疫途径的研究 (基金项目)
☉ 10582075:重组质粒pVAX1-C3d-S 2 S的构建与序列分析及其在真核细胞中的初步表达
☉ 10582076:静注丙种球蛋白辅治婴幼儿肺炎的临床及免疫功能观察
☉ 10582077:大黄治疗增生性肾小球肾炎的研究
☉ 10582078:T Cell Accumulation in B Cell Follicles Is Regulated by Dendritic Cells and Is Independent of B Cell Activation
☉ 10582079:Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
☉ 10582080:Unique Resistance of I/LnJ Mice to a Retrovirus Is Due to Sustained Interferon –dependent Production of Virus-neutralizing Antibodies
☉ 10582081:In Silico Quantitative Trait Locus Map for Atherosclerosis Susceptibility in Apolipoprotein E–Deficient Mice
☉ 10582082:Vaginal Submucosal Dendritic Cells but Not Langerhans Cells Induce Protective Th1 Responses to Herpes Simplex Virus-2
☉ 10582083:Influence of Factor VIIa and Phospholipids on Coagulation in "Acquired" Hemophilia
☉ 10582084:Central Modulatory Neurons Control Fuel Selection in Flight Muscle of Migratory Locust
☉ 10582085:Mechanism of Action of High-Dose Factor VIIa
☉ 10582086:A Mouse with a Loss-of-function Mutation in the c-Cbl TKB Domain Shows Perturbed Thymocyte Signaling without Enhancing the Activity of the ZAP-70 Tyro
☉ 10582087:Nutritionally Induced Obesity Is Attenuated in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1
☉ 10582088:Oral Insulin Supplementation Attenuates Atherosclerosis Progression in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice
☉ 10582089:Changes in Inhibitory Amino Acid Release Linked to Pontine-Induced Atonia: An In Vivo Microdialysis Study
☉ 10582090:Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Ligands Increase Release of Nitric Oxide From Endothelial Cells
☉ 10582091:Response: Mechanism of Action of High-Dose Factor VIIa
☉ 10582092:Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Activity Is Required for Apoptotic Death But Not Inclusion Formation in Cortical Neurons after Proteasomal Inhibition
☉ 10582093:Serum Plasma Pregnancy-Associated Protein A
☉ 10582094:Developmental Regulation of the Proteolysis of the p35 Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Activator by Phosphorylation
☉ 10582095:Distorted Odor Maps in the Olfactory Bulb of Semaphorin 3A-Deficient Mice
☉ 10582096:Soluble CD40 Ligand Levels Indicate Lipid Accumulation in Carotid Atheroma
☉ 10582097:Synergistic Activation of Human LDL Receptor Expression by SCAP Ligand and Cytokine Oncostatin M
☉ 10582098:Dynamic Modulation of Inspiratory Drive Currents by Protein Kinase A and Protein Phosphatases in Functionally Active Motoneurons
☉ 10582099:The Dynamics of Thrombin Formation
☉ 10582100:Ectopic Photoreceptors and Cone Bipolar Cells in the Developing and Mature Retina

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