☉ 11120051:羊水栓塞23例临床分析
☉ 11120052:循证护理在妇科恶性肿瘤化疗患者护理中的实践
☉ 11120053:小儿术后曲马多自控镇痛的临床研究
☉ 11120054:消化性溃疡急性穿孔160例临床分析
☉ 11120055:中药加穴位针灸治疗脊椎外伤大小便困难的护理研究
☉ 11120056:中心静脉导管相关性感染菌血症病原菌研究
☉ 11120057:孕妇临产前排尿训练对顺产后排尿影响分析
☉ 11120058:银杏叶提取物对抗青光眼术后视功能恢复的干预效果
☉ 11120059:异位妊娠术式选择的临床探讨
☉ 11120060:老年糖尿病的临床特征及饮食治疗刍议
☉ 11120061:老年冠心病患者的整体护理及健康教育探讨
☉ 11120062:高血压患者的健康教育与血压控制
☉ 11120063:创新论文发表管理机制,全面提高科研实力
☉ 11120064:紫外线辐射充氧血液疗法治疗脑血管性痴呆临床观察
☉ 11120065:椎弓根钉治疗胸腰椎骨折的方法及并发症原因的分析
☉ 11120066:Medical Physiology and Experimentation: Reconsider
☉ 11120067:The Blanket Method: a Novel Method of Teaching Per
☉ 11120068:The Rapid-Response: a Break During Lecture
☉ 11120069:continually designing new methods
☉ 11120071:心肌梗死患者的活动与饮食指导
☉ 11120072:The Opinion Editorial: teaching physiology outside
☉ 11120073:A "how to" guide for developing a publishable Scho
☉ 11120074:Teaching from classic papers: Hill's model of musc
☉ 11120075:Pizza and pasta help students learn metabolism
☉ 11120076:A classic learning opportunity from Fenn, Rahn, an
☉ 11120077:Using a classic paper by Gottschalk and Mylle to t
☉ 11120078:Genetic diversity of b-glucuronidase activity amon
☉ 11120079:Single strand confirmation polymorphism (SSCP) det
☉ 11120080:No clastogenic activity of Caesalpinia ferrea Mart
☉ 11120081:Polycythemia and Hb Coimbra [beta 99 (G1) Asp ? Gl
☉ 11120082:Karyotypic characterization of Hydromedusa tectife
☉ 11120083:Angelo Mosso and muscular fatigue: 116 years after
☉ 11120084:B-chromosomes in two Brazilian populations of Dend
☉ 11120085:Genetic variability of Herpailurus yagouaroundi, P
☉ 11120086:Karyotype and nuclear DNA content of Trichomycteru
☉ 11120087:Molecular surface directionality of the DNA-bindin
☉ 11120088:Molecular discrimination of pouched four-eyed opos
☉ 11120089:Specific genotyping of human leukocyte antigen-A*0
☉ 11120090:Tocantins river as an effective barrier to gene fl
☉ 11120091:Genetic variability in geographical populations of
☉ 11120092:Microsatellite analysis of a sample of Uruguayan C
☉ 11120093:Association of the estrogen receptor gene Pvu II r
☉ 11120094:Distribution and insertion numbers of transposable
☉ 11120095:Meiosis in elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum),
☉ 11120096:Analysis of the SHP2 enhancer for the use of tissu
☉ 11120097:Nucleotide sequence, genomic organization and chro
☉ 11120098:Determination of genetic variation in Rhodiola cre
☉ 11120099:Annexin II mRNA expression in bovine oocytes durin
☉ 11120100:Effect of natural selection on common bean (Phaseo

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