☉ 11133001:In Vitro Activity of Tigecycline against Burkholde
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☉ 11133003:In Vivo Efficacy of Aerosolized Nanostructured Itr
☉ 11133004:In Vivo Selection of Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Esc
☉ 11133005:In Vitro Characterization of the Antibacterial Spe
☉ 11133006:Insights into In Vivo Activities of Lantibiotics f
☉ 11133007:Induction of Daptomycin Heterogeneous Susceptibili
☉ 11133008:The Limits of Reductionism in Medicine: Could Syst
☉ 11133009:Sacred Cows and Sympathetic Squirrels: The Importa
☉ 11133010:Response from Savioli and Colleagues from the Depa
☉ 11133011:Merck's Actions Surrounding Vioxx
☉ 11133012:Author's Reply
☉ 11133013:Authors' Reply
☉ 11133014:To Fully Tackle the Gang of Four, Needs-Driven R &
☉ 11133015:Authors' Reply
☉ 11133016:Investing in Exposure
☉ 11133017:Hyperinfectivity in Cholera: A New Mechanism for a
☉ 11133018:Industry and Bioethics: What Price the Relationshi
☉ 11133019:Lentiviral Expression of Retinal Guanylate Cyclase
☉ 11133020:Labor-Associated Gene Expression in the Human Uter
☉ 11133021:Acute-Phase Serum Amyloid A: An Inflammatory Adipo
☉ 11133022:Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping of CHEK2: Common Va
☉ 11133023:Immune Protection of Nonhuman Primates against Ebo
☉ 11133024:ApoE Plasma Levels and Risk of Cardiovascular Mort
☉ 11133025:Bioinformatics and Multiepitope DNA Immunization t
☉ 11133026:Delaying the International Spread of Pandemic Infl
☉ 11133027:Deployment of Early Diagnosis and Mefloquine- Arte
☉ 11133028:Modeling of the Temporal Patterns of Fluoxetine Pr
☉ 11133029:Improving Imperfect Data from Health Management In
☉ 11133030:Mass Fatality Management following the South Asian
☉ 11133031:Correction: Interphase Chromosomes Mingle with The
☉ 11133032:Correction: Whole-Genome Analysis of the SHORT-ROO
☉ 11133033:Bipartisan Bill for Public Access to Research—Time
☉ 11133034:Global Patterns of Geographic Range Size in Birds
☉ 11133035:腹腔自体血回输160例分析
☉ 11133036:超高频皮肤整形仪微创治疗皮肤良性肿瘤1306例
☉ 11133037:黄芪川芎嗪注射液加化疗治疗恶性肿瘤36例
☉ 11133038:Environmental Coupling of Selection and Heritabili
☉ 11133039:桂林市厨师职业人群SARS血清流行病学调查
☉ 11133040:The Genetic Basis of Thermal Reaction Norm Evoluti
☉ 11133041:雷公藤药物血清体外对肾小球系膜细胞增殖及其分泌IL6的影响
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☉ 11133043:母婴联合免疫阻断乙肝病毒垂直传播131例
☉ 11133044:Strigolactones Stimulate Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fu
☉ 11133045:器官移植受者术后细菌感染监测及药敏临床分析
☉ 11133046:脑卒中后遗症患者鼻饲并发症的预防
☉ 11133047:核磁共振新技术简介
☉ 11133048:核糖在保护心脏功能中的作用
☉ 11133049:肝胆生化

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