☉ 11176201:Delayed Onset of Subendocardial Diastolic Thinning
☉ 11176202:Freedom From Atrial Tachyarrhythmias After Cathete
☉ 11176203:Ultrasound Measurement of the Fibrous Cap in Sympt
☉ 11176204:Intracellular Proatherogenic Events and Cell Adhes
☉ 11176205:Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide Regulates Postisc
☉ 11176206:Strut Position, Blood Flow, and Drug Deposition
☉ 11176207:Inflammation of Atrium After Cardiac Surgery Is As
☉ 11176208:Recommendations of the National Heart, Lung, and B
☉ 11176209:Development of Occlusive Neointimal Lesions in Dis
☉ 11176210:Reduced Number of Circulating Endothelial Progenit
☉ 11176211:Diabetes Enhances Vulnerability to Particulate Air
☉ 11176212:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Conserva
☉ 11176213:Appropriate and Inappropriate Ventricular Therapie
☉ 11176214:Intracellular Calcium Dynamics and Anisotropic Ree
☉ 11176215:Critical Role of Endogenous Thrombospondin-1 in Pr
☉ 11176216:Increased Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality i
☉ 11176217:Dietary Linolenic Acid Is Inversely Associated Wit
☉ 11176218:Apolipoprotein E Mimetic Peptide Dramatically Lowe
☉ 11176219:Long-Term Response to Calcium Channel Blockers in
☉ 11176220:Calcineurin–Nuclear Factor of Activated T Cells Pa
☉ 11176221:Conditional Mineralocorticoid Receptor Expression
☉ 11176222:Report of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst
☉ 11176223:Elastic-Vessel Arteritis in Interleukin-1 Receptor
☉ 11176224:D-4F Induces Heme Oxygenase-1 and Extracellular Su
☉ 11176225:Association of Osteoprotegerin With Human Abdomina
☉ 11176226:Three-Dimensional Electroanatomic Voltage Mapping
☉ 11176227:Novel Molecular Mechanism Involving 1D (Cav1.3) L-
☉ 11176228:Diagnosis, Antimicrobial Therapy, and Management o
☉ 11176229:Infective Endocarditis
☉ 11176230:Long-Term Survival After Acute Myocardial Infarcti
☉ 11176231:Cholesterol Feeding Increases C-Reactive Protein a
☉ 11176232:The Safety of Rosuvastatin as Used in Common Clini
☉ 11176233:Hypothermia Improves Defibrillation Success and Re
☉ 11176234:Aldosterone Synthase Inhibitor Ameliorates Angiote
☉ 11176235:Admission Glucose and Mortality in Elderly Patient
☉ 11176236:Does Autonomic Function Link Social Position to Co
☉ 11176237:Beneficial Effect of Oral Sildenafil Therapy on Ch
☉ 11176238:Impaired Elastic Properties of the Ascending Aorta
☉ 11176239:Rho-Kinase Mediates Hyperglycemia-Induced Plasmino
☉ 11176240:Noninvasive Imaging of Angiogenesis With a 99mTc-L
☉ 11176241:Local Expression of Platelet-Activating Factor-Ace
☉ 11176242:Calcified Rheumatic Valve Neoangiogenesis Is Assoc
☉ 11176243:Outcome of 622 Adults With Asymptomatic, Hemodynam
☉ 11176244:Doppler Estimation of Left Ventricular Filling Pre
☉ 11176245:Trial to Evaluate the Management of Paroxysmal Sup
☉ 11176246:Lay Rescuer Automated External Defibrillator ("Pub
☉ 11176247:External Beam Radiation to Prevent Restenosis Afte
☉ 11176248:Renoprotective Action of Fenoldopam in High-Risk P
☉ 11176249:Impact of Prosthesis–Patient Size on Functional Re
☉ 11176250:Thoracic Spinal Cord Stimulation Reduces the Risk

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