☉ 11176251:Short- and Long-Term Success of Substrate-Based Ma
☉ 11176252:Assessment of Endogenous and Therapeutic Arterioge
☉ 11176253:Magnitude of and Risk Factors for In-Hospital and
☉ 11176254:Calcium Concentration of Individual Coronary Calci
☉ 11176255:Long-Term, Randomized Comparison of Balloon Angiop
☉ 11176256:Gene Profiling in Atherosclerosis Reveals a Key Ro
☉ 11176257:;2- and ;3-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms Are R
☉ 11176258:High Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death With Conduc
☉ 11176259:Diet-Induced Occlusive Coronary Atherosclerosis, M
☉ 11176260:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lipoprotein Abnormaliti
☉ 11176261:Pathophysiology of Coronary Artery Disease
☉ 11176262:Estradiol-Mediated Endothelial Nitric Oxide Syntha
☉ 11176263:Pharmacogenetic Association of the Angiotensin-Con
☉ 11176264:Randomized Comparison of Prasugrel (CS-747, LY6403
☉ 11176265:Is Obesity a Risk Factor for Mortality in Coronary
☉ 11176266:Late Loss in Lumen Diameter and Binary Restenosis
☉ 11176267:Changes in Ventricular Size and Function in Patien
☉ 11176268:Defective Regulation of Interdomain Interactions W
☉ 11176269:Effects of Exercise and Ischemia on Mobilization a
☉ 11176270:Elevated Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity, a Marker of A
☉ 11176271:Augmented Cardiac Hypertrophy in Response to Press
☉ 11176272:In Vivo Cell Seeding With Anti-CD34 Antibodies Suc
☉ 11176273:Improved Myocardial ;-Adrenergic Responsiveness an
☉ 11176274:Statin Treatment After Onset of Sepsis in a Murine
☉ 11176275:Prediction of Myocardial Infarction by N-Terminal-
☉ 11176276:Early Structural and Functional Changes of the Vas
☉ 11176277:Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Mediates Statin-Ind
☉ 11176278:C-Reactive Protein and the 10-Year Incidence of Co
☉ 11176279:Periodontal Disease and Coronary Heart Disease
☉ 11176280:-Myosin Heavy Chain
☉ 11176281:Valvular Heart Disease
☉ 11176282:Effects of Candesartan on the Development of a New
☉ 11176283:Adoption of Spironolactone Therapy for Older Patie
☉ 11176284:Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and the Metabolic Syn
☉ 11176285:Bcl-xL Gene Transfer Inhibits Bax Translocation an
☉ 11176286:Risk of Embolism and Death in Infective Endocardit
☉ 11176287:Elevated Blood Pressure Linked to Primary Hyperald
☉ 11176288:L-Selectin–Mediated Neutrophil Recruitment in Expe
☉ 11176289:Neutrophil Depletion Inhibits Experimental Abdomin
☉ 11176290:Generic, Simple Risk Stratification Model for Hear
☉ 11176291:Organization of Myocardial Activation During Ventr
☉ 11176292:Differential Response of Delayed Healing and Persi
☉ 11176293:Metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in Giant Cell Arteritis
☉ 11176294:Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Decre
☉ 11176295:Targeted Deletion of Fgl-2/Fibroleukin in the Dono
☉ 11176296:Postprandial Myocardial Perfusion in Healthy Subje
☉ 11176297:Effect of Pravastatin on Rate of Kidney Function L
☉ 11176298:Efferent Vagal Nerve Stimulation Protects Heart Ag
☉ 11176299:Sudden Unexplained Death
☉ 11176300:Mapping of Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm/Disse

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