☉ 11175551:Proteomic analysis of mantle-cell lymphoma by prot
☉ 11175552:Nanomolar concentration of NSC606985, a camptothec
☉ 11175553:A functional single-nucleotide polymorphism of the
☉ 11175554:Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for
☉ 11175555:Quantitative PCR of bone marrow BCL2/IgH+ cells at
☉ 11175556:CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells control induction of
☉ 11175557:The effect of first-line imatinib interim therapy
☉ 11175558:Genetic subtypes of familial hemophagocytic lympho
☉ 11175559:A comprehensive genetic classification of adult ac
☉ 11175560:SCL/Tal-1 is essential for hematopoietic commitmen
☉ 11175561:Positive and negative regulation of c-Myb by cycli
☉ 11175562:WHO-EORTC classification for cutaneous lymphomas
☉ 11175563:Regional intravascular delivery of AAV-2-F.IX to s
☉ 11175564:The actin cytoskeleton differentially regulates pl
☉ 11175565:Induction of polyploidization in leukemic cell lin
☉ 11175566:NY-ESO-1 is highly expressed in poor-prognosis mul
☉ 11175567:Tie2Cre-mediated gene ablation defines the stem-ce
☉ 11175568:Regulation of endothelial thrombomodulin expressio
☉ 11175569:Fusion proteins comprising annexin V and Kunitz pr
☉ 11175570:Urokinase-type plasminogen activator is a preferre
☉ 11175571:Thrombopoietin initiates demethylation-based trans
☉ 11175572:Rapid ubiquitination of Syk following GPVI activat
☉ 11175573:Transmembrane CEACAM1 affects integrin-dependent s
☉ 11175574:New trends in umbilical cord blood transplantation
☉ 11175575:Membrane type 1–matrix metalloproteinase is involv
☉ 11175576:Cyclosporin A and tacrolimus, but not rapamycin, i
☉ 11175577:Graft-versus-tumor response in patients with multi
☉ 11175578:Deficiency in the p110 subunit of PI3K results in
☉ 11175579:Activation of Src kinase Lyn by the Kaposi sarcoma
☉ 11175580:Expression of the human germinal center–associated
☉ 11175581:An anti-CD20–IL-2 immunocytokine is highly efficac
☉ 11175582:Regulation of CXCR3 and CXCR4 expression during te
☉ 11175583:Pharmacologic inhibitors of PI3K/Akt potentiate th
☉ 11175584:Vitamin C protects HL60 and U266 cells from arseni
☉ 11175585:PD166326, a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has g
☉ 11175586:Stromal-derived factor-1 promotes the growth, surv
☉ 11175587:Rescue of early-stage myelodysplastic syndrome-der
☉ 11175588:甲硝唑中毒致急性呼吸窘迫综合征
☉ 11175589:The targeting of primary effusion lymphoma cells f
☉ 11175590:Synergistic interactions between imatinib mesylate
☉ 11175591:新生儿自发性气胸治疗1例
☉ 11175592:Autocrine- and paracrine-activated receptor tyrosi
☉ 11175593:Small-molecule XIAP inhibitors derepress downstrea
☉ 11175594:Impact of chronic GVHD therapy on the development
☉ 11175595:不同海拔高度机采血浆循环次数和血浆蛋白含量变化初探
☉ 11175596:Plasma membrane sequestration of apoptotic proteas
☉ 11175597:Overexpression of transcripts originating from the
☉ 11175598:In vitro functional analysis of human ferroportin
☉ 11175599:Protein-4.2 association with band 3 (AE1, SLCA4) i
☉ 11175600:蛋白质吸收液—2%硼酸溶液的配制与使用方法的改进

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