☉ 11256701:Association Between Common Polymorphisms of the Proopiomelanocortin Gene and Body Fat Distribution
☉ 11256702:Expression of CD68 and Macrophage Chemoattractant Protein-1 Genes in Human Adipose and Muscle Tissues
☉ 11256703:Mechanisms of Compensatory -Cell Growth in Insulin-Resistant Rats
☉ 11256704:Disruption of the -Interferon Signaling Pathway at the Level of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-1 Prevents Immune Destructi
☉ 11256705:Differentiation of Human Liver-Derived, Insulin-Producing Cells Toward the -Cell Phenotype
☉ 11256706:New Clinical Syndromes, New Scientific Insights, and New Therapy
☉ 11256707:Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes in High-FateCFed Mice Are Linked to High Glycotoxin Intake
☉ 11256708:Combination Therapy With Epidermal Growth Factor and Gastrin Increases -Cell Mass and Reverses Hyperglycemia in Diabetic NOD Mice
☉ 11256709:Conditional Expression Demonstrates the Role of the Homeodomain Transcription Factor Pdx1 in Maintenance and Regeneration of -Cells in the A
☉ 11256710:Essential Role for Membrane Lipid Rafts in Interleukin-1eCInduced Nitric Oxide Release From Insulin-Secreting Cells
☉ 11256711:Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Regulates Sequential and Compound Exocytosis in Pancreatic Islet -Cells
☉ 11256712:Matrix Metalloproteinases Contribute to Insulin Insufficiency in Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats
☉ 11256713:Exposure to Chronic High Glucose Induces -Cell Apoptosis Through Decreased Interaction of Glucokinase With Mitochondria
☉ 11256714:Marked Increase in White Adipose Tissue Blood Perfusion in the Type 2 Diabetic GK Rat
☉ 11256715:Chronic Hyperglycemia, Independent of Plasma Lipid Levels, Is Sufficient for the Loss of -Cell Differentiation and Secretory Function in the
☉ 11256716:Transgenic Mouse Overexpressing Syntaxin-1A as a Diabetes Model
☉ 11256717:Adiponectin Is Lower Among African Americans and Is Independently Related to Insulin Sensitivity in Children and Adolescents
☉ 11256718:Experimental Diabetes Attenuates Cerebral CorticaleCEvoked Forelimb Motor Responses
☉ 11256719:Cardiac-Specific Overexpression of Peroxisome ProliferatoreCActivated Receptor- Causes Insulin Resistance in Heart and Liver
☉ 11256720:Type 2 Diabetes Causes Remodeling of Cerebrovasculature via Differential Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Collagen Synthesis
☉ 11256721:Characterization of Susceptibility of Inbred Mouse Strains to Diabetic Nephropathy
☉ 11256722:Activation of Peripheral Blood CD14+ Monocytes Occurs in Diabetes
☉ 11256723:Variation in the eNOS Gene Modifies the Association Between Total Energy Expenditure and Glucose Intolerance
☉ 11256724:Genome-Wide Linkage Analyses of Type 2 Diabetes in Mexican Americans
☉ 11256725:ATP and Sulfonylurea Sensitivity of Mutant ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels in Neonatal Diabetes
☉ 11256726:Acute Bidirectional Manipulation of Muscle Glucose Uptake by In Vivo Electrotransfer of Constructs Targeting Glucose Transporter Genes
☉ 11256727:Haptoglobin Polymorphism Predicts 30-Day Mortality and Heart Failure in Patients With Diabetes and Acute Myocardial Infarction
☉ 11256728:Co-occurrence of Two Partially Inactivating Polymorphisms of MC3R Is Associated With Pediatric-Onset Obesity
☉ 11256729:INS VNTR Class Genotype and Indexes of Body Size and Obesity
☉ 11256730:The Functional Q84R Polymorphism of Mammalian Tribbles Homolog TRB3 Is Associated With Insulin Resistance and Related Cardiovascular Risk in
☉ 11256731:Spillover of Dietary Fatty Acids and Use of Serum Nonesterified Fatty Acids for the Synthesis of VLDL-Triacylglycerol Under Two Different Fe
☉ 11256732:Colocalization of Mouse Autoimmune Diabetes Loci Idd21.1 and Idd21.2 With IDDM6 (Human) and Iddm3 (Rat)
☉ 11256733:Lack of Association of PAX4 Gene With Type 1 Diabetes in the Finnish and Hungarian Populations
☉ 11256734:Expression of Mfn2, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 2A Gene, in Human Skeletal Muscle
☉ 11256735:Astrocyte-Derived ATP Induces Vesicle Shedding and IL-1 Release from Microglia1
☉ 11256736:Overactivation of S6 Kinase 1 as a Cause of Human Insulin Resistance During Increased Amino Acid Availability
☉ 11256737:Cell-Based Immunotherapy with Suppressor CD8+ T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis1
☉ 11256738:CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells Restrain Pathogenic Responses during Leishmania amazonensis Infection1
☉ 11256739:Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Inhibits NK Killing via Interaction with CEA-Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 11
☉ 11256740:Dendritic Cell-Intrinsic Expression of NF-B1 Is Required to Promote Optimal Th2 Cell Differentiation1
☉ 11256741:Cross-Desensitization among CXCR1, CXCR2, and CCR5: Role of Protein Kinase C-1
☉ 11256742:Cross Talk between MyD88 and Focal Adhesion Kinase Pathways1
☉ 11256743:Effect of CD3/CD28 Bead-Activated and Expanded T Cells on Leukemic B Cells in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
☉ 11256744:EBV and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A New Perspective1
☉ 11256745:Dynamic Regulation of IFN- Signaling in Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cells Responding to Infection1
☉ 11256746:Flt3 Ligand Treatment Reverses Endotoxin Tolerance-Related Immunoparalysis1
☉ 11256747:Fc- and Complement-Receptor Activation Stimulates Cell Cycle Progression of Macrophage Cells from G1 to S1
☉ 11256748:Enhanced CD4 T Cell Responsiveness in the Absence of 4-1BB1
☉ 11256749:In Silico Identification of Supertypes for Class II MHCs1
☉ 11256750:IL-4-Transfected Tumor Cell Vaccines Activate Tumor-Infiltrating Dendritic Cells and Promote Type-1 Immunity1

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