☉ 11274601:经腹腔镜施行胆囊切除术围手术期的护理
☉ 11274602:紫杉醇与卡铂联合化疗治疗卵巢癌的护理
☉ 11274603:加强口腔科医务人员的职业防护
☉ 11274604:孕期母亲和胎儿的铁代谢
☉ 11274605:室内空气污染成因、危害及防治对策
☉ 11274606:紊乱型婴儿的依恋特性研究进展
☉ 11274607:临床医学生心理健康现状调查分析
☉ 11274608:大专女生生殖生理及避孕知识调查
☉ 11274609:绍兴县社区卫生服务机构运营现状与成本结构分析
☉ 11274610:我国临终关怀发展中有关问题探讨
☉ 11274611:52例重症社区获得性肺炎病原体及药物敏感性分析
☉ 11274612:双胎妊娠的分娩方式与妊娠结局探讨
☉ 11274613:艾滋病知识培训对基层医务人员知识、态度、行为的影响
☉ 11274614:老年人社区卫生服务需求调查
☉ 11274615:南宁市5岁以下儿童死亡状况分析
☉ 11274616:从SARS相关知识知晓程度探索社区健康教育策略
☉ 11274617:功能性磁共振成像在高级认知功能研究中的应用
☉ 11274618:论医患法律关系的准确界定
☉ 11274619:浅谈如何运用法律手段调整医患关系
☉ 11274620:结核病健康教育相关因素研究进展
☉ 11274621:生命质量的跨文化研究现状
☉ 11274622:医院基本医疗保险费用构成及趋势分析
☉ 11274623:高度重视医学社会化发展 全力打造21世纪新型医生
☉ 11274624:Mechanisms of Glucose-Induced Secretion of Pancreatic-Derived Factor (PANDER or FAM3B) in Pancreatic -Cells
☉ 11274625:Inositol (1,4,5)-Trisphosphate Dynamics and Intracellular Calcium Oscillations in Pancreatic -Cells
☉ 11274626:Diabetes and Insulin Secretion
☉ 11274627:Metallothionein-Mediated Antioxidant Defense System and Its Response to Exercise Training Are Impaired in Human Type 2 Diabetes
☉ 11274628:Effects of Diabetes on Ryanodine Receptor Ca Release Channel (RyR2) and Ca2+ Homeostasis in Rat Heart
☉ 11274629:Restitution of Defective Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion in Diabetic GK Rat by Acetylcholine Uncovers Paradoxical Stimulatory Effect of
☉ 11274630:Insulin Resistance, the Metabolic Syndrome, and Incident Cardiovascular Events in the Framingham Offspring Study
☉ 11274631:Homocysteine Metabolism in ZDF (Type 2) Diabetic Rats
☉ 11274632:Is There a Role for Locally Produced Interleukin-1 in the Deleterious Effects of High Glucose or the Type 2 Diabetes Milieu to Human Pancrea
☉ 11274633:The Human Glomerular Podocyte Is a Novel Target for Insulin Action
☉ 11274634:Two-Hour Seven-Sample Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and Meal Protocol
☉ 11274635:Celiac-Superior Mesenteric Ganglionectomy, but Not Vagotomy, Suppresses the Sympathoadrenal Response to Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia
☉ 11274636:Aldose Reductase Deficiency Prevents Diabetes-Induced Blood-Retinal Barrier Breakdown, Apoptosis, and Glial Reactivation in the Retina of db
☉ 11274637:Noninvasive Monitoring of Diabetes-Induced Cutaneous Nerve Fiber Loss and Hypoalgesia in thy1-YFP Transgenic Mice
☉ 11274638:Glycation and Carboxymethyllysine Levels in Skin Collagen Predict the Risk of Future 10-Year Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy and Nephrop
☉ 11274639:Apoptotic Stress Is Counterbalanced by Survival Elements Preventing Programmed Cell Death of Dorsal Root Ganglions in Subacute Type 1 Diabet
☉ 11274640:Reduced Nitric Oxide Concentration in the Renal Cortex of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
☉ 11274641:Susceptibility to Diabetic Nephropathy Is Related to Dicarbonyl and Oxidative Stress
☉ 11274642:Assessment of 115 Candidate Genes for Diabetic Nephropathy by Transmission/Disequilibrium Test
☉ 11274643:Selection of Tagging Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Association With Body Fat, Insulin Sensitivity, and the Metabolic Syndrome in a Nor
☉ 11274644:Large Genomic Rearrangements in the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1 (TCF2) Gene Are the Most Frequent Cause of Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Yo
☉ 11274645:Liver Markers and Development of the Metabolic Syndrome
☉ 11274646:Partial Gene Deletion of Heart-Type Fatty AcideCBinding Protein Limits the Severity of Dietary-Induced Insulin Resistance
☉ 11274647:Sequence Variation in PPARG May Underlie Differential Response to Troglitazone
☉ 11274648:Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake Does Not Require p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Adipose Tissue or Skeletal Muscle
☉ 11274649:The Stimulatory Effect of Globular Adiponectin on Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake and Fatty Acid Oxidation Is Impaired in Skeletal Muscle
☉ 11274650:Effect of a Sustained Reduction in Plasma Free Fatty Acid Concentration on Intramuscular Long-Chain Fatty Acyl-CoAs and Insulin Action in Ty

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