☉ 11294001:基层疾病预防控制中心工程建设项目的思考 ——系统观下的疾控中心工程建设项目评估
☉ 11294002:Sputum eosinophilia and the short term response to inhaled mometasone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
☉ 11294003:医院总收入统计预测
☉ 11294004:乡镇卫生院在应对农村突发公共卫生事件中的作用
☉ 11294005:Ultrasound guided cytological aspiration of supraclavicular lymph nodes in patients with suspected lung cancer
☉ 11294006:Effect of lung cancer surgery on quality of life
☉ 11294007:Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism and acute respiratory distress syndrome
☉ 11294008:军队体检工作存在的问题及对策
☉ 11294009:Airway function and markers of airway inflammation in patients with treated hypothyroidism
☉ 11294010:Inhaled fluticasone in bronchiectasis: a 12 month study
☉ 11294011:论医院管理者的影响力
☉ 11294012:Structural changes to airway smooth muscle in cystic fibrosis
☉ 11294013:Surgery in early NSCLC and co-morbidity
☉ 11294014:发挥共产党员先进性 积极构建和谐医院
☉ 11294015:Implantation of a pleurovenous shunt for massive chylothorax in a patient with yellow nail syndrome
☉ 11294016:EBC pH and chronic cough
☉ 11294017:Recruitment of ethnic minorities to asthma studies
☉ 11294018:高尚的医德是医务工作者保持共产党员先进性的主要条件
☉ 11294019:Effect of oxygen on recovery from maximal exercise in COPD
☉ 11294020:浅谈医院财务报告分析的四个视角
☉ 11294021:试谈医院的人性化管理
☉ 11294022:合理使用抗菌药物的管理措施
☉ 11294023:Exhaled breath condensate in chronic cough
☉ 11294024:Antitrypsin genotype unaffected by age
☉ 11294025:An increased risk of community acquired pneumonia with gastric acid suppressive drug therapy
☉ 11294026:探讨医院被服感染管理新措施
☉ 11294027:Bilateral non-traumatic second rib fracture after bilateral first rib resection for TOS
☉ 11294028:危重患者护理易忽视的几个问题及对策
☉ 11294029:Hepatotoxicity from pyrazinamide based anti-tuberculous therapy: protective effect from isoniazid and HIV infection
☉ 11294030:新时代护士长管理理念的转变
☉ 11294031:Benefits of early pulmonary rehabilitation following acute exacerbation of COPD
☉ 11294032:护理记录书写体会
☉ 11294033:Intravenous immunoglobulin improves clinical outcome in Churg-Strauss syndrome
☉ 11294034:Nortriptyline may help in smoking cessation
☉ 11294035:Prostanoid DP receptor polymorphisms may cause changes in susceptibility to asthma
☉ 11294036:The advantages of VATS: a systematic review
☉ 11294037:Is big beautiful? The continuing story of ADAM33 and asthma
☉ 11294038:Airwaves
☉ 11294039:An increased risk of community acquired pneumonia with gastric acid suppressive drug therapy
☉ 11294040:Symptoms and the early diagnosis of lung cancer
☉ 11294041:Nitric oxide, hypoxia, and superoxide: the good, the bad, and the ugly!
☉ 11294042:Pulmonary adenocarcinoma presenting as a giant pleural mass
☉ 11294043:Online First in Thorax
☉ 11294044:Lung function estimates in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the potential for a simple classification
☉ 11294045:Efficacy of low and high dose inhaled corticosteroid in smokers versus non-smokers with mild asthma
☉ 11294046:Relationship of airway wall thickening to an imbalance between matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor in asthma
☉ 11294047:Contribution of ADAM33 polymorphisms to the population risk of asthma
☉ 11294048:Early onset of effect of salmeterol and fluticasone propionate in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
☉ 11294049:Oxidative stress and airway inflammation in severe exacerbations of COPD
☉ 11294050:Altered thoracic gas compression contributes to improvement in spirometry with lung volume reduction surgery

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